

作者:蔡明璋 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsai, Ming-chang
主題關鍵詞:產業科技社會制度發展政策臺灣IndustriesScience and technologySocial institutionsDevelopment policyTaiwan
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The high-tech industries that started in Taiwan in the mid-1980s have since become the linchpin of economic growth on the island. The authors review recent studies of this "new economy," focusing on researchers who have adopted institutional approaches to identify four keys to Taiwan's recent economic successes: firm scale enlargement, a dense learning network among high-tech firms, a system of local knowledge derived from firms and research institutes, and strong state policy support. We used the ideal type of new economy as a conceptual tool to contrast Taiwan's situation with those in fully industrialized societies, and found several weaknesses in the country's new economy in terms of the possession of critical scientific knowledge and the limited role of venture capital in initiating high-tech firms. Furthermore, Taiwan's new economy (as a capitalist mode of production) has succeeded in accumulating profits but has been less successful regarding social distribution.
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