

作者(外文):Wu, Jie-yingTszeng, Jr-shiung
主題關鍵詞:921地震集合住宅都市更新重建921 earthquakeCondominium housingUrban renewal reconstruction
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不論是地震、風災或水災,其對眾多財物所帶來的侵襲中,損害最嚴重的一定是住宅(Comerio, 2004),因此921震災後的眾多重建項目之中,「住宅重建」一直受到大家的重視。然而,台灣於921震前因無建立住宅重建的機制,導致震後初期住宅重建的推行工作,始終事倍功半。其中集合住宅因產權共有持分,難以獲得全部區分所有權人的同意進行重建,因此目前多以都市更新重建的模式來進行,但此重建模式仍需獲得大部分的區分所有權人同意,始可進行重建。運用都市更新模式進行重建,住戶便須花費時間來進行溝通協商,換言之,若要盡速完成集合住宅的重建,得先獲得大家的共識,繼而迅速完成後續過程的必要程序。本研究首先嘗試去了解集合住宅社區的原住戶數、社區實際參與重建的比例與社區領導人的人格特質是否會影響重建的速度,以及愈早進行都市更新重建,社區是否便能愈快完成重建,繼而歸納出重建共識的意涵。結果顯示,核准立案日的通過僅能代表社區已確立「重建方向的共識」,權利變換計畫公告日的通過則是代表社區已有「再做鄰居的共識」,兩者可謂之為「社區內部的共識」;臨門方案審查通過日、建照核發與使照的核發則是代表社區已達成「外在條件的共識」。此外,社區原住戶數的多寡與社區領導人的人格特質並不會影響重建的速度,反而是社區實際參與重建戶數的比例愈高者,則有助於加快社區重建的速度。
Whenever an earthquake, hurricane, or flood unleashes its fury, housing is typically hardest hit (Comerio, 2004). Housing reconstruction was the most critical issue after 921 earthquake, since the Taiwanese government did not establish any housing reconstruction mechanism before the 921 earthquake. Condominium housing reconstruction is more complicated and slower than other types of buildings because of different property ownerships in a building. Since it is quite difficult for all the owners of the building decide to rebuild, the urban renewal reconstruction method was the most common choice. However, the urban renewal method still requires at least half owners' agreement to reconstruct the building. Therefore, owners need to communicate with each other. The faster they make the consensus, the sooner the reconstruction completed. This study finds that the number of the condominium owners in the community doesn't affect the reconstruction speed. However, the higher percentage of the owners chose to stay and rebuild, the faster the reconstruction speed. This study also finds that the personality of the community leader does not have significant relationship with the reconstruction speed. This study shows that approval day of the establishment of urban renewal committee only represents the condominium owners have ensured the reconstruction approach and the declaration day of the ownership right exchange means the condominium owners choose to be neighbor with each other again. We can call those two days the "inner consensus". But the reconstruction could not be completed without the outside support such as the financial funding from the "Jump Start" program and the building permit approval which could be called as "external consensus".
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