

作者:邱獻輝 引用關係鄔佩麗 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiou, Shiann-hueiWu, Pay-li
主題關鍵詞:青少年親子溝通親職諮詢團體行動研究AdolcentParent-children communicationParent consultationGroupAct research
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本研究旨在建立「學校─家庭」合作協助青少年的專業途徑,藉著提昇家長的正向溝通能力,來解決親子溝通困擾。研究者根據婚姻與家庭系統環繞模式的溝通概念與諮詢理論,設計親子溝通諮詢團體方案,秉持行動研究方法的精神,以某高工22位學生家長為研究對象,分為A、B兩團體,各聚會六次,A團體12位成員,B團體10位成員,每週聚會一次,每次二小時。方案成效的評估以量化資料的前後測比較為主,然後再佐以質化資料的內容分析結果為證﹔量化資料包括親子溝通問卷(家長版、子女版)、親子溝通困擾檢核表﹔質化資料的來源則為焦點團體。本方案效果評估結果如下:1.在「親子溝通問卷(家長版)」中,受試者的「正向溝通總分」和「總分」的平均分數,後測顯著高於前測;而「負向溝通總分」的平均分數,則後測顯著低於前測;顯示受試者參與本方案後,溝通技巧有顯著提昇。2.受試者的子女在「親子溝通問卷(子女版)」,選擇「希望家長採用參與本研究方案後的溝通方式」的比例,顯著高於隨機選擇機率,顯示本方案可促使受試者使用子女所期望的溝通方式。3. 受試者在「親子溝通困擾檢核表」的「嚴重程度」、與「困擾程度」平均分數,後測顯著低於前測,顯示受試者參與本方案後,較能解決親子溝通問題、並降低困擾。4.內容分析結果亦顯示成員在親子溝通技巧、與問題解決能力方面都有進步。
This study intends to help parents in assisting their children. It is based on the theory of “Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems” and consultation to design Parent-Adolescent communication consultation groups. Twenty-two parents of high school students participated in this study. Twelve in group A, and ten in group B. Group members met once a week for two hours per session over six weeks. The results of this design are as follows: 1). In Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Parenthood), the “positive communication” post-test score and the total post-test score score are significantly higher than the pre-test corresponding scores, however, the post-test score of “negtive communication” is significantly lower than its pre-test. 2). The assessment with Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Adolescence) indicates that the participating parents’ commucation styles after consultations are more accepted by their children than styles selected before consultations. Appearently, the parents show their better communication skills after communication consultations. 3). In the “Serious Level” and the “Trouble Level” of the Parent-Adolescent Communicational Trouble Check List, the mean scores of the post-test were lower than those of the pre-test. It suggests that Parent-Adolescent Communication Consultation Groups are functional in treating the members’ nurturing problems, and effective in facilitating the relationship between parents and adolescents.
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