

作者:張志相 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Chi-Shiang
主題關鍵詞:烏溪流域兵慶祠七將軍廟畫界封山番害Wu river areaBing qing templeSeven generals templeThe policy of ethnic quarantineAboriginal invasion
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In the middle of Taiwan, the Wu River passes by townships namely Nantou, Tsaotun, Wufeng and Dali. Coincidently each township has a Seven General Temple which worships six spirits and one faithful dog. There is no unanimous explanation on the developmental history regarding these four temples in existed documents. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to elaborate the origin of Seven General Temple. This paper argues that Seven General Temple was result in the policy of ethnic quarantine that kept Han ethnicity from aboriginal people in Ching dynasty in the eastern part of Zhanhua county. This paper offers evidences to prove that `Bing Qing temple' located in Wufeng, established in twentieth year of QianLong is the origin of these four temples. The so called `seven generals' were soldiers who killed by aboriginal people. The name of these soldiers are Chen Shoubao, Wu Shjuan, Xyu Guodong, Liou Yao, Wong Jyun, Zhang Lei and Pen Ying. These brave soldiers had become generals after death and worshiped by local residents for the purpose of defending the invasion of aboriginal people. Owing to there were many conflicts between Han and aboriginal people around the mountain areas of Zhanhua county, therefore the worship of Seven Generals grew and spread out to townships nearby. Eventually Nantou, Tsaotun, and Dali set up a Seven Generals temple in its township.
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