

作者:羅彤華 引用關係
作者(外文):Lo, Tung-hwa
主題關鍵詞:唐朝義倉常平倉賑貸平價救荒Tang dynastyYi-cangRelief granariesChang-ping-cangPrice regulating granariesGrain loan methodParity methodFamine relief
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The Tang Government often used various granary policies to handle the public problems of people's livelihood. What were the differences among all these policies, what policy was chosen by the Tang Government as best suited for the people and would not result in financial burden. This research is centered on the granary loan policy and parity of purchase and selling, comparing the differences between the operation methods, analyzing the application opportunity, and understanding the judgment standard used by the government. At the same time, it observes the activity capability of the state storage from the source of the stored grain, the influence of the operation, and evaluate the effect of opening of the granary. In accordance with this research, free relief was the most often used policy for famine relief, however, by carrying out the grain loan policy or parity policy, because the benefited public was required to pay back the grain to the government, therefore, it has gain the attention of the government, especially in the later Tang Dynasty when the granary was not as abundant. In the time of famine, facing the public problem of parity or persuading the people to farm, which was originally the responsibility of the price regulating granary and relief granary, with the relief granary carrying out the free famine relief or loan policy and price regulating granaries carrying out the parity policy. The state granary operated with flexibility. As long as the need of the public arose and the stored quantity was adequate; any policy of granary and operation could be utilized. The relief granary and price regulating granary operated in accordance with the regulation, however, many personnel abuses caused the good policy to loose its beautiful meaning and lessen some effect of the opening of the granary.
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