

作者(外文):Lo, Tung-hwa
主題關鍵詞:放貸官本錢利率財政捉錢TangLoanCapital moneyInterest rateFinanceInterest-catching
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During the Tang Dynasty, there were two main types of official loan: business transaction and loan. The former was used extensively during the early period of the Tang Dynasty, while the latter became the main stream since the time of Emperor Gao-Zong, but the 2 systems always operated separately without interference. In different types of official loan, the number of personnel in charge of interest-catching and the amount of capital money responsible for each personnel varied with time and different situations. During the Zhen-Guan period, the amount of capital money responsible by each personnel was very high, therefore, the amount of responsible personnel was not so big, but after the detailed classification of capital money catching, it was estimated that during the early Tang Dynasty, the number of personnel responsible for interest-catching could be as high as one million, this made the official loan not only available to the rich families and clerks but also extended to the people living in the countryside or township and village. The inclusion of poor families in the official loan system made the problems of bad loan more serious. During late Tang Dynasty, the amount of capital money catching for each personnel was reduced, and money-catching clerk was established if a government organization had many personnel responsible for interest-catching. The interest rate of the official loan of Tang Dynasty fluctuated with downward decreasing tendency, but generally speaking, the overall interest rate was much higher than those of Sung Dynasty and thereafter. The Tang government used official loan to collect revenue, which resulted in many shortcomings; however, the government didn't have to prepare annual budget, so as to save revenue; therefore the government still maintained the system. In order to insure financial income, the government established vigorous regulations regarding to the elimination or reduction of the delayed payment of interest by the people, therefore, interest rate was not the only critical factor regarding to interest-catching, and the attitude of the government was the critical factor.
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