

作者:袁光儀 引用關係
作者(外文):Yuan, Guang-yi
主題關鍵詞:耿定向李贄李卓吾耿李之爭泰州王學下下人Keng Ting-HsiangLi ZhiLi Zhuo-wuThe debates of Keng and LiThoughts of Taichou schoolThe featureless multitudes
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Li Zhuo-wu was a celebrated heretical thinker in the Late-Ming Dynasty. Keng Ting-hsiang was a scholar of Taichou School, being an influence on the academia of the Late-Ming Dynasty. But in the later period, the scholars ignored his teachings. For the Li’s advocating staunchly of “true Confucianism”, and the continuous debates among Li and Keng, the scholars generally regarded Keng as a pseudo-Confucian. However, Li criticized severely Keng on the one part, but still eulogized that Keng was a sage on the other part. Then we should reconsider the biased view on Keng’s teachings. The learning of Keng and Li were both the practical wisdom, they extremely paid close attention to the questions about the geniuses and the featureless multitudes should apply to different teaching methods and subjects. They focused on the students.The dissimilar opinions of Keng and Li were displayed the difficulties and the predicaments of Confucianism, nothing for right or wrong. Their debates could help us to explore the meaning of their theories in Confucian’s development. We could think about the questions comprise the ideal and reality, the predicament, and the future of Confucianism.
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2.池勝昌(19910600)。試論李贄「不以孔子之是非為是非」的觀念史意義。歷史學報,19,197-214。new window  延伸查詢new window
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2.(魏)王弼(1989)。老子,帛書老子,台北。  延伸查詢new window
3.(南宋)朱熹(1988)。四書集註,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
4.(明)王陽明(1983)。傳習錄,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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6.(明)沈德符。萬曆野獲編,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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