

作者(外文):Chang, Chun-yen
主題關鍵詞:消費者文化消費者運動倫理消費Consumer cultureConsumer movementEthical consumption
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《摘要》 晚近歐美消費者文化學者開始關注倫理消費、消費者拒買以及持續形成的生 態意識等等消費者行動,認為此舉彰顯出實現人權、環保的意義。如此也顯示出, 消費在當代社會之中所呈現的意義,有了進一步辯證和討論的必要。 作為初探性研究,本文嘗試以主婦聯盟的綠色消費運動作為個案。進一步探 討晚近消費者集體互動實踐與傳播連結的形式,以瞭解認知社群實際形成的消費 者文化。以此,進一步回應本研究問題:(1)主婦聯盟所倡議的綠色消費運動的意 識型態為何?(2)消費者運動成員之間的互動與消費實踐的情況為何? 在方法上,本文擬沿用文獻分析以及深度訪談等方法,從事後續資料蒐集與 分析工作,最終嘗試從綠色消費在實踐與理論意涵上,反省晚近主婦聯盟這類的 消費者運動,是否形成一種反映「公共價值」的消費意涵?以此作為往後針對消 費這一概念的進一步思索基礎。
《Abstract》 With the coming of consumer society, American and European scholars begin to pay close attention to alternative consumer actions such like ethical consumption, boycott, ecological awareness etc., and they consider such alternative consumer behaviors can reflect the meaning of human rights, and environmental protection. Therefore, it is necessary to further discuss the meaning of consumption appearing in the contemporary society. As a pre-research study, this pepper attempts to analyze the green consumption movement with HUCC Coop of Taiwan case. The research questions are: 1) what is the ideology of HUCC Coop in Taiwan? 2) How members of green consumer movement interact and practice the meaning of their consuming actions? On the method, this paper used the approach of analysis of documents and depth interview to engage in follow-up materials collecting and analytical work. The research expected to re-discuss how consumer collective activities influence consumer culture through introspect consumer movement. In addition, this study tried to figure out whether that kind of consumption reflects the value of “common good” in consumers’ everyday life.
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