

作者(外文):Lou, Jung-chiaoLee, Chih-way
主題關鍵詞:戰略傳播新聞發佈公共外交公共事務數位科技國際廣播Strategic communicationNews publicityPublic diplomacyPublic affairsDigital technologyInternational broadcasting services
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911事件催化了美國國家安全的新思維與認知,恐怖主義繼冷戰結束後成了與美國意識形態對立的角色。同時,數位科技的進步,大眾傳媒的影響力無遠弗屆,使得阿拉伯世界的媒體也具備高度國際政治影響力,如1996年開播的半島電視台,在阿富汗戰爭中的獨領風騷,便對美國國家利益產生了顯著的影響。直到2003年美、英兩國發動伊拉克戰爭,國際輿論反對美國的聲浪猛烈,阿拉伯世界對美國的敵意更深,美國政府驚覺國際輿論影響了美國的國家安全與利益。 因此,美國國防部國防科學委員會Defense Science Board於2004年提出了「戰略傳播」報告,強調以「公共外交」、「公共事務」、「國際廣播」及「資訊作戰」為四項工具,並著重於整合運用,藉以維護美國國家利益。 反觀國軍一向重視戰略決策,國軍的「戰略傳播」能量便成了本研究探討的主題。本研究從傳播的研究途徑出發,檢視「戰略傳播」的概念,運用文獻資料進行分析,探討現階段國軍新聞發佈機制具備多少「戰略傳播」能量?反思在「戰略傳播」概念下,國軍新聞發佈如何提升傳播效能?研究發現國軍新聞發佈管理機制、傳播管道已經具有「戰略傳播」的基本能量,而傳播策略人員編組與新聞資料庫的建立是國軍新聞發佈亟該建立的「戰略傳播」能量。
The 911 attacks set off a whole new concept and understanding of U.S. national security. At the same time, the impact of public communications was augmented along with the advancement of digital technology, making the media in the Arab World most influential to the global political affairs. For example, the TV network Al Jazeera began its broadcast in 1996 and gained worldwide attention when it was the only channel to cover the war in Afghanistan, causing an obvious conflict with the U.S. benefits. When the United States of America and United Kingdom together started the Iraq War in 2003, the international public opinion opposing the USA was dreadfully fierce, and the Arab World became extremely hostile; until then the American government finally realized that the international public opinion had enormous effects on its nation’s security and benefits. Therefore, the U.S. Defense Science Board submitted a report about strategic communication in 2004 to highlight the importance of maintaining the nation’s benefits by using and integrating the following four tools: public diplomacy, public affairs, international broadcasting services and information operations. The Republic of China Armed Forces has always put focus on strategic decisions, which initiated the topic for this thesis. Cutting from the angle of communication research methods, this report analyzes the concept of strategic communication based on various documents and records. The content includes what kind of strategic communication our military currently adopts for news publicity; and under such concept can news publicity be improved and be more effective? This research found that the present know-how and channels for our military news publicity have already taken in some basic ideas of strategic communication. The next steps should be concentrated on training and organizing the professional staff as well as building-up a comprehensive news database.
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