

作者(外文):Huang, Mei-hsuan
主題關鍵詞:中國革命孫中山客家南洋檳榔嶼庇能三二九廣州之役Chinese revolutionarySun Yat-senHakkaSoutheast Asian Chinese329 Battle of Guangzhou
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華僑遍佈世界各國,在近代中國革命運動中扮演著極重要的角色。孫中山對華僑有極高評價,尤其是南洋(東南亞)華僑,長期支持孫中山革命,進而使得中國革命成功。 南洋華僑多來自中國的廣東、福建,其中有不少客家華僑參加中國革命運動,本文採歷史研究途徑與政治學研究途徑,旨在探討南洋檳榔嶼與「三二九廣州之役」的關係,及其在孫中山所領導的中國革命運動中之重要性,並深入解析孫中山與南洋檳榔嶼的客家華僑之關係。 孫中山在檳榔嶼設革命指揮中心並召開「庇能會議」,與南洋華僑革命志士有相當密切之關係,而「客家因素」可視爲檳榔嶼之所以成爲「中國革命策源地」的重要關鍵因素之一。
Overseas Chinese can be found all over the world. They played a very important role in the modern Chinese revolutionary movement. Sun Yat-sen is held in high esteem by overseas Chinese, especially the overseas Chinese in Nanyang (Southeast Asia). Overseas Chinese played a very important and critical role when Sun Yat-sen launched the revolutionary movement in China. They provided money, manpower and ideas as well. They supported Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities over a long period of time and ensured the success of the revolution in China. This study has two purposes. The first is to investigate the relationship between Penang and the "329 Battle of Guangzhou" and the importance of Penang in the Chinese revolutionary movement led by Sun Yat-sen. Secondly, this research analyzes the relationship between Hakka Chinese in Nanyang Penang and the "329 Battle of Guangzhou" launched by Sun Yat-sen. The study focuses on the following questions: Was there any relationship between the Nanyang Chinese, who established "Penang" as their stronghold, and the "329 Battle of Guangzhou" launched by Sun Yat-sen in 1911? What was the role played by Nanyang Chinese in the Chinese revolutionary movement led by Sun Yat-sen? What was the relationship between Sun Yat-sen and Hakka Chinese in Nanyang Penang? In particular, how did the ethnic-Hakka brothers Yi-Chiao Hsieh and Liang-Mu Hsieh play a critical role for Sun Yat-sen and the Nanyang Chinese revolutionaries? The historical research approach and the political science research approach is adopted in this study. The study finds a profound relationship between Sun Yat-sen and the Hakka Chinese in Nanyang Penang. Sun Yat-sen set up a revolutionary command center in Penang and held the "Penang Conference" there. For this reason, Sun Yat-sen had a very close relationship with the Nanyang Chinese revolutionaries, especially the ethnic-Hakka brothers Yi-Chiao Hsieh and Liang-mu Hsieh. The "Hakka factor" can be regarded as one of the key reasons why Penang became the "hotbed of the Chinese revolution."
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