

作者:林東龍 引用關係余嬪 引用關係陳武宗
作者(外文):Lin, Dong-longYu, PingChen, Wu-tsung
主題關鍵詞:退休社會脈絡性別角色意識老化RetirementSocial contextGender roleConscious aging
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研究主要探討退休經驗是如何發生在社會脈絡中,研究者以深度訪談和焦點團體兩種方式收集 24名退休人員之生活經驗,進一步分析其身處退休社會脈絡中的退休規劃和面臨困境等情形,期望從中探詢積極退休生活的可能性。本研究結果有五:第一,退休者對退休看法具變異性,彰顯出所處社會脈絡的差異;第二,公私部門將退休制度作為掩飾工作壓力與歧視資深人力的工具,並以單一視角且短期取向的觀點來提供退休者協助;第三,不同性別角色的退休者,其退休生活規劃與適應存在差異;第四,退休雖不等同於邁入老年階段,但退休歷程中仍存在因老化而產生生活適應問題;第五,家庭關係對於退休者而言是社會支持來源,亦是衝突與壓力來源。本研究認為退休不只是一種獨立的行為,社會結構會影響退休行為且型塑個人的退休經驗。退休議題的研究需有社會學觀點,如此形成的退休政策和退休服務才能更適切。
In this study, the authors explored and analyzed retiree’s retirement experiences in a social context and examined their retirement planning and the associated problems. They collected data from in-depth interviews of 24 retirees and a focus group. There are five major findings. First, the retirees, who belonged to a variety of social contexts, had varying perceptions of their retirement. Second, the retirement systems were used by both the public and private sectors to conceal workplace stress and discriminate against senior workers, as well as to assist retirees with their unique short-term problems. Third, there were gender differences in the methods of retirement planning and adjustment to retirement. Fourth, although retirement should not be viewed simply as entering a new age bracket, growing older adversely affected the interviewees’ adjustment to retirement. Fifth, family relationships were found to be a source of social support, but also a source of conflict and stress for the retirees. The authors argue that retirement cannot be treated as an isolated “behavior.” Rather, social structures influence retirement behavior and shape retirees’ experience of retirement. To improve social policies and the related services, retirement issues should be addressed in part from a sociological perspective.
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