

作者(外文):Lin, Hsiao-ting
主題關鍵詞:朝貢制度藩屬坎巨堤費正清中國世界秩序Tributary systemKanjutJohn K. FairbankKashmirChinese world order
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摘 要 本文採「領土譜系」研究途徑,探討1761 至1963 年間,中國與中 亞喀什米爾坎巨堤之間的關係,並針對近世中國所謂「朝貢體制」,提 出不同面向的理解。本研究處理中國不同歷史階段(盛清、晚清、民國、 二次戰後中國、中華人民共和國)坎巨堤與中國的關係,探討坎巨堤從 不被盛清朝廷正式承認為內藩或朝貢國地位的土邦,逐漸轉化成為傳統 歷史藩屬之一部,最後在民國時期被中國內地官民「想像」成為一塊「已 喪失」於帝國主義侵略下的邊疆領土,亟待收復。本文顯示,帝國時期 的「朝貢體系」,不論就其精神或實踐層面,並未隨著帝國秩序的瓦解 而停止運作,清王朝結束後,仍繼續在近代中國政治與外交舞台上扮演 一定角色,並成為解決、或者製造問題的途徑之一。從中、坎歷史關係 探索中,吾人亦得知晚清官員對於「藩部」或「屬國」概念的理解,與 其說是來自其對帝國傳統朝貢制度之信仰,不如說是來自其與英、俄等西方強權交往互動的經驗法則。而十九世紀中葉以來,英帝國主義者將 「主權」和「宗主權」等觀念引入外交領域,藉以與清廷交涉之餘,重 新開啟闡釋中國傳統帝國主權與領土權的契機,並將此一新的詮釋運用 於彼此外交關係的實踐當中,以謀取各自最大的利益。
Abstract This article examines China’s relations with the Central Asian tribal state of Kanjut (also called Hunza) over two centuries. Employing a territorial genealogical approach, this research explores how Kanjut, not initially recognized during the high Qing as an inner dependency or vassal, was gradually re-conceptualized by the Qing court as a historical tributary protectorate, and then in the Republican and Nationalist eras became known as a “lost territory” ripe for restoration. It also argues that the tributary system was not a dynastic legacy that ceased to function after 1911; rather, it was an instrument of political expediency that continued to be used in the post-imperial era. In a sense, this research offers a new way of thinking about what the “tribute system” might really have been: a nineteenth and twentieth century reinterpretation of an older form of symbolically asymmetric interstate relations (common in one form or another throughout many parts of Asia). This reinterpretation was strongly informed by English-language terminology and formulations, including “suzerainty” and the mistranslation of “gong” as “tribute” itself, and by the ways that both Britain and China manipulated the terminology in seeking to further their territorial, diplomatic, and strategic interests.
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