

作者:熊瑞梅 引用關係王光旭 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsung, Ray-mayWang, Guang-xu
主題關鍵詞:社會網絡政策網絡對偶關係都市政治菁英同質性Social networksPolicy networksDyadic relationshipUrban political elitesHomogeneity
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政策網絡(policy network)的研究焦點大多集中在行動者間的互動如何影響決策產出,鮮少探討是何種因素影響行動者間的互動關係。本研究以1986~1992年間台中市都市發展政策為研究個案,以政策網絡中資源互賴(resource dependence)的觀點為研究架構,調查訪問78個關懷解嚴後台中都市發展重要事件的行動者,蒐集其對8個都市發展關鍵事件的看法與立場,及彼此間互賴關係所構築的都市事務討論網絡、信任關係網絡、技術諮商網絡、和資源交換網絡。在方法上,本研究先從四個社會網絡計算出行動者間社會關係的最短距離(path distance),再進一步將其轉換成行動者間6,006組對偶關係(dyadic relationship)的最短距離,透過相關,探討網絡成員的特質、部門、派系同異質性,以及運用邏輯斯迴歸嘗試探索何種因素會影響行動者間關係形成的機率。研究結果發現:第一,都市事務討論網絡對偶關係的最短距離和信任網絡對偶關係的最短距離相關度較其他者高。再者,解釋四種社會網絡對偶關係存在機率的模型時,國民黨、政府部門內部社會網絡聯繫頻繁;張派內部較常出現都市事務討論的關係聯繫,賴派內部較多技術諮商和資源交換的網絡聯繫。第三,派系間存在著頻且繁異質性跨界的弱聯繫互動關係,顯示台中市派系間的社會網絡並非封閉對立,在都市發展政策中跨派系建立網絡聯繫的機率較高,對偶互動的關係距離也較短。第四,都市菁英出現了教育程度低的菁英偏向與教育程度較高的菁英建立關係的現象。換言之,社會網絡中無論是自身或對方在都市發展政策網絡上具備影響力聲望,都會有較高的機率建立兩者間的互賴關係,且此兩者關係距離也偏短。由此可見,在政策網絡中與具備影響力的行動者建立互賴的對偶關係具有實質上的效益。
This paper not only aims to analyze the characteristics of power distribution in urban politics after the lifting of martial law, but also seeks to explore the factors which can shape interactions between stakeholders. Based on the analytical perspective of resource dependency, we identified four networks (urban affairs discussion network, trust network, technical advice network, and resource exchange network), interviewing 78 important actors involved the development of Taichung City after the lifting of martial law on eight critical urban development events. By calculating dyadic path distance between actors and examining the different backgrounds of actors in the governmental sector, political parties, and local factions, the paper draws the following conclusions: (1) A short distance between actors in the urban affairs discussion network tends to be reflected in a similarly short distance in the trust network; (2) Actors from the KMT and the government have more frequent interactions than other actors. In addition, actors from the Chang faction have more interaction in the urban affairs discussion network, while those of Lai faction have more frequent interaction in the technical advice and resource exchange networks; (3) The different local factions in Taichung are not selfcontained and actors operate across factional divisions; (4) Actors with low levels of education are dependent on actors with high levels of education or a strong reputation.
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