

作者:吳品儀李秀珠 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Pin-yiLi, Sarrina Shu-chu
主題關鍵詞:從眾式模仿從型式模仿從效式模仿模仿同形理論綜藝談話性節目Mimetic isomorphismFrequency-based imitationTrait-based imitationOutcome-based imitationVariety show
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According to Mimetic Isomorphism Theory, organizations in the same industry would mutually observe each other's strategy. It holds that facing with the highly uncertainty, organizations would imitate other company's behaviors. Taking this theory as the theoretical framework, this study examined the phenomenon of mimetic isomorphism in Taiwan's Variety show, and used content analysis as the research methods. The results show that the frequency-based imitation, and outcome-based imitation were the most evident phenomenon in Taiwan's Variety show. And this study also found that the imitation behaviors were restricted by resources the organizations hold. More findings and discussion were presented in the thesis.
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