

作者:郭祐誠 引用關係林佳慧
作者(外文):Kuo, Yu-chenLin, Jia-huey
主題關鍵詞:婚姻女性勞動需求產業結構變遷人口政策MarriageFemale labor demandIndustrial structure changePopulation policy
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A growing number of individuals have postponed their first marriage and are currently single in Taiwan. This paper employs the Manpower Utilization Survey (MUS) during the period of 1982-2008 to investigate the connection between local marriage propensity and local labor market conditions. Our empirical results indicate that young women are more likely to get married in an area with a higher male employment rate and a lower female employment rate. Women tend to stay single longer when the labor market for women improves or the labor market for men worsens. These findings remain even after we adopt the instrument variable estimation to consider the potential endogeneity problem of local male or female employment rates in the settings.
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