

作者(外文):Wong, Cheung-wai
主題關鍵詞:文明推進嶺南巫覡巫術異文化想像Advancement of civilizationLingnanShamans and shamanismDifferent culturesIllusion
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Ever since Lingnan (嶺南) came under the direct rule of the Song court, the court exercised full control of this area that had previously been governed by the Southern Han. Authoritarian measures were enforced to defeat local separatist forces as the southern and northern parts of China were fused to become a single political entity. However, because of differences in the natural environment and cultural traditions, cultural conflicts between Lingnan and the Central Plain (Zhongzhou 中州) inevitably emerged. With the expansion of their territory, Song rulers understandably made every effort to integrate Lingnan into Zhongzhou's Confucian ritual culture. In this context, the Zhongzhou civilization was brought to the outer reaches of the country by eliminating indigenous culture, suppressing shamans and shamanism and promoting medical practices instead in Guangdong and Guangxi. This article examines Zhongzhou's understandings and misperceptions of shamans and shamanism in Guangdong and Guangxi, and the strategies adopted in the course of territorial expansion during the Song period. This article show that, on the one hand, the Song government and scholar-officials understood, narrated, and created illusions about the "different culture" of Lingnan from an outsider's point of view; on the other hand, in order to transform the wilderness and achieve "one moral, identical custom" it gradually destroyed the indigenous culture by both suppression and persuasion.
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