

作者:蕭至惠 引用關係蔡進發 引用關係楊欣倫
作者(外文):Hsiao, Chih-huiTsai, Chin-faYang, Hsin-lun
主題關鍵詞:網路成癮網路行銷態度主觀規範行為意圖Internet addictionAttitude on internet marketingSubject normBehavior intention
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本文以社群網站所張貼的旅遊產品資訊為研究範疇,探討網路成癮與否對網路行銷活動態度、主觀規範與行為意圖之影響。採問卷調查法,針對國內五所公私立大學的800位大學生進行調查,計回收693份有效問卷,並以獨立樣本t檢定、迴歸分析(regression)進行資料分析。 結果顯示:(一)網路成癮者與不同的網路成癮類型皆與網路行銷活動態度成正相關。(二)網路成癮者與行銷活動的主觀規範成正相關,但網路成癮類型中只有網路遊戲成癮者與行銷活動的主觀規範成正相關。(三)網路成癮者與不同的網路成癮類型皆與購買線上旅遊產品的行為意圖成正相關。(四)對網路行銷活動的態度與網路行銷活動的主觀規範皆與購買線上旅遊產品的行為意圖成正相關。
The study takes travel product information posted on community website as the scope of the research and attempts to examine the relationships among internet addiction, internet marketing attitude, subject norm, behavior intention. 693 valid questionnaires were collected and hypotheses were tested by using t-test and simple regression analysis. The findings are as follows: 1. Internet addiction and various internet addiction types are positively related to attitude on internet marketing. 2. Internet addiction is positively related to subject norm, but various internet addiction types are not positively related to subject norm except Internet games addiction. 3. Internet addiction and various internet addiction types are positively related to behavior intention. 4. Attitude on internet marketing and subject norm are positively related to intention behavior.
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