

作者:李俊達 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Chun-ta
主題關鍵詞:多元化性別女警犯罪率追蹤資料模型DiversityGenderPolicewomenOrganizational performancePanel data model
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The gender diversity in Taiwan's police departments is extremely unbalanced due to the presumption of risk, mobility and toil of police's duty which generally believed that the male is more competent than females. This study analyzes the relation between the policewomen proportion and criminal rate empirically by gathering relevant variables and data of 21 counties in Taiwan during the period 2001 to 2009. According to the panel data model, the policewomen proportion has remarkable positive relevance with the decrease of crimes in a county, including the criminal cases, larceny and violent crimes. Hence this study will be a practical reference to promote gender diversity in public services in Taiwan.
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