

作者:沈孟湄 引用關係
作者(外文):Shen, Mun-mei
主題關鍵詞:宗教傳播宗教媒體媒體經營Religious communicationReligious mediaMass media management
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This article addresses the transition of religious media in Taiwan based on the interaction perspective between religion and media. This study used document analysis to explore the evolution of religious media to address the characteristics and impact of religious communication since the lifting of martial law in Taiwan. The study elucidates the shift in religious media based on the following findings: (1) Religious media are gradually becoming organized, institutionalized, and specialized; and (2) religious media organizations have acquired the dual role of media source and nonprofit organization, in which spreading religious faith is the primary objective. This implies that the relationship between religion and media is different than in the past. Therefore, religious communication can transform “media buying” into “media management” and spread religious values and philosophy through media organizations. The object of religious communication is to extend religion to the public and provide mass orientation to specific faiths. However, the people who communicate faith have changed considerably. Not only have clergies and followers of particular religions become involved in religious media organizations, but non-religious media professionals have participated as well, although for different reasons. In addition, the contents of religious communication have changed because faith-based religion has acquired social meaning. Finally, the communication activities of religious organizations have been extended further to social and public arenas.
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