

作者:李建瑩王孝勇 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Jian-yingWang, Hsiao-yung
主題關鍵詞:新女性形象性別意識後現代女性主義電視內衣廣告New female imageGender consciousnessPostmodern feminismTV brassiere advertisements
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This present study is a pictorial semiotic analysis on media representation of “new” female image in TV Brassiere Advertisements Mode Marie. By analyzing the types of code and texture, this paper also aims to elaborate a brand new gender consciousness constructed by that text of advertisement furthermore. This study found that women in Mode Marie seem to act as “sexual nomad” by which to struggle against the conditions of existed gendered ideology and enjoy their real life happily. Based on the research findings, this paper concluded that female image in TV Brassiere Advertisements Mode Marie not only creates the character of egoism from the atmosphere of modern, confident, graceful and hedonic picture, but embodies the postmodern “new” female image consciously.
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