

作者:黃寬重 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Kuan-chung
主題關鍵詞:孫應時陸九淵呂祖謙朱熹太學Sun YingshiLu JiuyuanLü ZuqianZhu XiImperial College
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This paper explores the phenomenon of studying with various teachers during the early period of the Southern Song Neo-Confucian movement. Specifically, it focuses on interpersonal relationships, using the example of Sun Yingshi's (1154-1206) sixteen ”friends” who studied with Lu Jiuyuan (1139-1192), as recorded in Sun's collected works ”Zhuhu ji”.The interaction of Lu's students with other Neo-Confucian masters illustrates a few points about the Southern Song Neo-Confucian movement. First, the deep divide between different schools formed over time. It had originally been common and even deemed meritorious to study with various scholars. Many of Lu Jiuyuan's students had studied with other scholars before they came to him. Second, however, it became a serious problem for the Lu school when many of Lu's students tended to go beyond just learning from various teachers to ”converting” to other schools. The Lu school was successively challenged by Lü Zuqian's (1137-1181) utilitarian school and Zhu Xi's (1130-1200) school. Except those few scholars in Siming who held fast to Lu's teaching, many of his students, including Sun Yingshi himself, had frequent interactions with Zhu Xi in both the political and scholarly fields and eventually turned to Zhu's teaching. As a result of this kind of ”conversion,” combined with the competition among schools, the separation among schools became more and more strict.The fact that many of Lu's early students had attended the Imperial College provides us a clue to understanding the change. The imperial College was a diverse and open place for learning where teachers and students could easily form groups and pursue different paradigms. In addition, students there often tried to pursue official careers and scholarly development at the same time. Since there were ample opportunities to meet and learn from different schools of thought, following several masters became a common phenomenon. This helps us understand how some of Lu's students, due to realistic considerations, turned to Lü or Zhu who offered some advantages in the political or scholarly fields. The case of Lu's early students following various masters shows the different attitudes and plans of scholars for confronting changes in their environment. Thus, because individuals' choices of scholarly paradigms and decisions within their political realities varied, these cannot be simplified.
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