

作者(外文):Chou, Yu-ho
主題關鍵詞:深度休閒旅遊部落格目的地意象行為意圖Serious leisureTraveling blogDestination imageTraveling behavioral intentions
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This study applied purposive sampling to investigate perceived functions of travel blogs and destination image serving as the intermediated variables in the research model. Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer core activity that is highly substantial, interesting, and fulfilling and where, in the typical case, participants find a (leisure) career in acquiring and expressing a combination of its special skills, knowledge, and experience. In this study, the participants were cyclists with serious leisure characteristics in the north coast region, New Taipei City. Data were gathered from September to December 2011. A total of 371 valid questionnaires were collected for analysis. By using parameter estimates to conduct the analysis, some conclusions were presented as follows: (1) the findings of this study indicated that destination image had positive effects on travel behavioral intentions. This result generally supports previous studies. (2) Serious leisure characteristics had positive effects on travel behavioral intentions and destination image. The results verify the inferences of this study: there is a relationship between serious leisure characteristics, destination image, and travel behavioral intentions. The tourism industry should be developed in such a way as to target people interested in serious leisure concepts. (3) Serious leisure characteristics had positive effects on the perceived functions of travel blogs. The results indicate that travelers with serious leisure characteristics will have a tendency to use a travel blog and that they think a blog with informative, interesting, and interactive features may have an important function in motivating travel. (4) The perceived functions of travel blogs had positive effects on travel destination image and behavioral intention. The results indicate that users may gain a profound impression of the destination by browsing travel blogs. Thus, travel blogs may motivate them to travel to a destination and ultimately even recommend destinations to their friends. (5) The results also verify that the perceived functions of travel blogs and destination image may serve as intermediated variables in the research model, therefore these variables are worthy of consideration by the tourism industry. Placing more emphasis on managing travel blogs may improve the destination image and enhance travelers' motivation to sightsee.
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