

作者(外文):Ng, William Yau-nang
主題關鍵詞:志蓮淨苑伊利亞德神聖空間化生童子十六觀Chih Lin NunneryZhilian jingyuanMircea EliadeSacred spaceVirgins reborn through transformation in lotusHuasheng tongziSixteen meditations
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Taking the examples of the Vajrayana Dharma assembly of the Hall of Universal Illumination (Puzhao tang 普照堂) and the Chi Lin Nunnery building complex (Zhilian jingfan jingyuan jianzhuqun 志蓮淨苑建築群), this paper attempts to explain Buddhist concepts of sacred space from the perspective of Mircea Eliade. Eliade’s analysis of sacred space emphasizes three aspects—the symbolic system, ritual, and mythology—and seeks to point out the existing eternal structure behind these aspects. Employing such an understanding of sacred space, this paper analyzes the symbolic systems and rituals of these two Buddhist cases. It also seeks to uncover the “eternal belief structures” reflected in the mythology. Lastly, this paper makes use of the findings in this study to complement the limitations of Eliade’s ideas. From the perspective of the act of constructing sacred space, this paper also reflects on the humanistic characteristics of Chinese Buddhism.
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