

作者(外文):Chang, Chih-wei
主題關鍵詞:蔣介石剿匪地方政治基礎性權力Chiang Kai-shekCounterinsurgencyInfrastructural powerLocal political
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This article aims to discuss the influence on Chiang Kai-chek's thought in Modern State Building from his policies of local political reform in Jiangxi province. In 1930's Xiong Shi-Hui as the Chairman of Jiangxi province, he based on Chiang's thought and had carry out the reform policies of local political between the government of province and county. Chiang Kai-shek, the purpose of the local political system reform is mainly to lay the foundation for reform of local politics, in order to facilitate the strengthening of administrative efficiency and further promote specific measures, such as "Baojia", universal education or the system of taxation. Therefore, the specific measures of the local political system, we can see a lot of unified local government authority and the expansion of local government organizations as a means of principles of the reform, and so further strengthen the state power to the grass-roots social penetration, but also help countries the basic power of expansion and stability. Thus, with specific experience and other bandits in Jiangxi province, when 1935 after Chiang Kai-shek ruled replace Wang Jing-wei, further to its ideas about political reform in place more expanded scope of implementation, Chiang decided carry out the "New county system" at 1939, this policy combined his thought and experience in Jiangxi. So we could find the significance of local political reform in Jiangxi Province.
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