

作者(外文):Chung, Chia-ling
主題關鍵詞:乳母宋代皇室Wet nurseSung dynastyRoyal
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Different from that royal wet nurses were taken on by official maids in other dynasties, the royal family of Sung dynasty began to employ wet nurses from women with clear family background. They were not only healthy, but also honest, gentle, and careful. Women who met the aforementioned criteria were eligible for the position. Royal wet nurses were mainly responsible for looking after the newborns. Some of them would leave the imperial palace once they completed their assigned duties, and some would stay with their masters/mistresses for all their lives. Most of royal wet nurses were loyal to their job and built strong relationship with the young children they looked after. Thus, they were rewarded official titles, and their family had preferential treatment from the royal family. When royal wet nurses passed away, the children they looked after would put on mourning for them. In contrast with these honored wet nurses, some were punished for negligence and not doing their job well. Due to their special role and work environment, they were often the target of government officials who tried to draw the wet nurses to their side, and attempted to influence the politics. Generally speaking, people in Sung dynasty treated royal wet nurses with rational attitude. Although they were from middle or lower class of the society, people in Sung dynasty could still treat them with respect. Before Sung dynasty, the emperor was opposed to rewarding wet nurses and putting on mourning for them. This phenomenon in Sung dynasty could be seen as a milestone in the history.
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