

作者(外文):Suzuki, Eka
主題關鍵詞:黃土水帝展日本近代雕塑東京美術學校臺灣文化Huang Tu-ShuiImperial art exhibitionModern Japanese sculptureTokyo Fine Arts SchoolTaiwanese culture
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Taiwanese sculptor Huang Tu-Shui (1895-1930) was born in Taipei under Japanese rule. He went to Japan to study modern sculpture and he was selected for the Imperial Art Exhibition in Tokyo. He not only succeeded in the world of sculpture at that time in Japan, but, as he chose Taiwanese motifs for the main subjects in his creations, Huang Tu-Shui was also a pioneer in Taiwanese art. As one of the earliest modern Taiwanese artists, studies and discussion of Huang Tu-Shui have already developed to a certain extent in Taiwan, especially since the 1980s. However, due to the limitations of materials and records, past studies were not able to fully analyze the relationships between Huang Tu-Shui's works and the elements of Japanese modern sculpture or the influence of his education in sculpture at the Tokyo Fine Arts School. This paper, based on several primary and newly found secondary sources, inquires into Huang Tu-Shui's early activities during his school days in Japan, as analyzing the background and substance of the “modern sculpture” that he studied, aims to accurately comprehend his artistic career. At the Tokyo Fine Arts School, Huang Tu-Shui worked some in the study of traditional Edo-style wood sculpture begun by Takamura K un, simultaneously also learning the skills of westernstyle sculpture, such as modeling in clay and sculpting in marble. Before he came to Japan, Huang Tu-Shui was close to traditional Chinese culture in Taiwan, but when he faced changing trends in Japanese sculpture, he also began to seek more modern Taiwanese motifs. From the beginning of Japanese modern art history in the Meiji era, ancient Japanese arts and sculpture were greatly respected; this might be the appropriate background for the consideration of Huang Tu-Shui's denial of the Taiwanese culture of the past and advocacy of the modernization of Taiwanese art at the beginning of the 1920s. This attitude of questing modernization and seeking out of characteristics of Taiwan in the fine arts was similar in certain aspects to the attitudes of some Japanese intellectuals during the colonial period. Huang Tu-Shui exhibited several works having Taiwanese motives in the Imperial Art Exhibition and came to prominence. On the other hand, in Taiwan under the dominance of the Imperial Japanese forces, his activities also were in accord with the process that Taiwan was included in the Japanese Empire as one of its regions.
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