

題名:We Have Never Been Latecomers: A Critical Review of High-Tech Industry and Social Studies of Technology in Taiwan
書刊名:East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
作者:chen, dung-sheng 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:Social studies of local technologyTaiwanLatecomer thesisEast Asian STS studiesHigh-tech industry studies
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This article illustrates the development of the latecomer concept, starting initially from studies of Taiwan's high-tech industry and then proposing a latecomer thesis based on the theoretical arguments in that literature. That thesis has also influenced Taiwanese STS studies of technology, including transferred and local technologies and Chinese medicine, and this article shows how this approach has framed the scope of the literature's interpretation of empirical findings in different ways. Although the latecomer thesis has to some extent become dominant in academic approaches to technology in Taiwan, there exist alternative approaches derived from reflexive studies of Chinese medicine and of local reassembled-car technology, as well as of local trail-construction technology, all of which have broken out of the theoretical constraints of the latecomer thesis. On the one hand, some studies of Chinese medicine construct an insightful model integrating a practical ontology, a correlative thinking method, and displacement agency theory, sharing basic theoretical assumptions with Bruno Latour's actor-network theory. On the other, the studies of reassembled cars, plant grafting, bridge construction, and local trail construction highlight the undesirability of classifying diverse technologies into a simple binary and prescribing a convergent destiny for both technological and societal development. These arguments challenge the basic assumptions of the latecomer thesis and also demonstrate the strength of the model established by studies of recent Chinese medicine. Finally, this tripartite model is employed to reinvestigate Taiwan's semiconductor industry as an example of high-tech industries, and to show the networked reality of an industry in which a continuous mix of varied technologies occurs, new trajectories emerge, and technological objects as industrial actors continue to make linkages with other societal elements. The reinterpretation of this industry exemplifies the fact that no given element in a society is isolated from other parts, and that social reality essentially keeps reassembling.
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1. Book Review: TJ Hinrichs and Linda Barnes, «Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History» (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013)
2. Book Review: Ayako Gotō (五島綾子), "Kagaku būmu" no kōzō: Kagaku gijutu ga shinwa o umidasu toki 《〈科学ブーム〉の構造:科学技術が神話を生みだすとき》(The Structure of "Science Booms": When Science and Technology Mythologize) (Tokyo: Misuzu shobō, 2014)
3. Book Review: Masahiro Sato (佐藤雅浩), Seishin shikkan gensetsu no rekishi shakaigaku: "Kokoro no yamai" wa naze ryūkōsuru no ka 《精神疾患言説の歴史社会学--『心の病』はなぜ流行するのか》(A Historical and Sociological Analysis of the Discursive Practice of Mental Illness: Why Did a Particular "Mental Sickness" Become Prevalent in a Certain Period?) (Japan: Shinyosha, 2013)
4. Book Review: 1.Yuri Takhteyev, «Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City» (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012) 2.E. Gabriella Coleman, «Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking» (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012)
5. Governance of Stem Cell Research and Its Clinical Translation in China: An Example of Profit-Oriented Bionetworking
6. Reassembling Solar Farms, Reassembling the Social: A Case Study of Ping-Tung County in Southern Taiwan
7. Learning by Manufacturing Parts: Explaining Technological Change in Taiwan's Decentralized Industrialization
8. 傳播研究本土化之另類思考--原住民知識作為臺灣原住民族傳播研究倫理及取徑
9. 加拿大Sechelt原住民族自治
10. 從族群主流化觀點思考原住民族政策
11. 原運反挫、運動刊物與黨外勢力--以臺灣原住民族運動 (1983~87) 為分析場域
12. 電視媒體的原鄉想像--探析臺灣原住民族電視台《O'rip慢.生活》節目製作的「緩慢」意識
13. 「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要」與臺灣原住民族
14. 達悟人對現代環境治理的回應及永續性環境治理之開展
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