

作者:謝貴文 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsieh, Kuei-wen
主題關鍵詞:標準化民間信仰老二媽玉二媽六房媽傳說StandardizationFolk beliefsLaoermaYuermaLiufangmaLegends
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The theory of standardization proposed by James L. Watson provides explanation for the process of the infiltration of symbols to local communities made by the nation through the mandate of specific gods without setting connotation, such as the case of replacement of the local gods with Matzu in the coastal areas in southern China, and it is considered to be one of the main reasons for the unification of Chinese culture. The information of legends related to gods was used in the study to conduct investigation in the cases of Laoerma, Yuerma and Liufangma. The results show that the standardization was realized only in the case that local elites cooperated in the process of promotion. However, their purposes of helping in the promotion were not always concerning the whole nation. Based on their belief and memories for local gods, local people would also decide whether they are going to accept the standardization or not. A successful standardization should contain the external name of the god and the change in the internal perception of people toward the god. Standardization is a dynamic process. Some cases of standardization do not fail but are still ongoing. The key for a standardization to be successful is the legitimacy of the god, and the legitimacy may come from the grant of the nation or the values of patriarchal societies. Sometimes the substantial benefits of local communities may also be blended with it. The standardization of gods still works in modern societies, and it keeps functioning for the integration of different cultures.
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