

作者(外文):Hsieh, Yu-ling
主題關鍵詞:3D列印博物館學習教育展示物件3D printingMuseum learningEducationExhibitionsObjects
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3D列印技術萌芽自 1980年代的美國,自從 3D列印的軟硬體由社群中開放分享與共同創作後,其製程不斷地突破創新而得以普級,受到全球關注並引起廣泛的討論,有第三次工業革命之說,而其引發的自造者運動正在全球形成一股強大的力量。教育是博物館最基本的功能之一,提供觀眾多元的感官學習體驗,是啟發、培養、傳遞知識的場域,同時也兼負協助社會大眾終身學習的責任。創意經濟時代裡,新技術新科技的發明,常伴隨著新思維與新的應用,在政府注重創新思維的文化創意產業政策下,博物館身為文化創意產業下的一環應積極的運用其豐富多元的蒐藏品,為觀眾營造具促進創意思維的學習情境。博物館最重要的溝通媒介「物件」,也是藝術家與設計師的靈感來源。傳遞科技新知識正是科學類博物館成立的目的之一,而如何透過 3D列印技術這項新技術協助博物館與觀眾產生新的連結與視野,發揮博物館學習的特質,為觀眾創造一個有具創新思維的學習經驗,正是博物館的機會與責任,也是這波新科技的潮流中,博物館展現其價值的最佳策略。本文首先探討博物館學習的特質、 3D列印技術的原理及演進,瞭解其特色及應用,進而以美國自然史博物館、國立台灣美術館、臺北市立美術館以及國立自然科學博物館為例,從案例中探討其價值性,最後在結論中提出 3D列印技術這項新技術為博物館實務工作帶來新思維、新趨勢及新應用三個層面的啟發及未來可運用之方向。
In the 1980s, 3D printing technology began to emerge in the US. From community-based open sharing and collaborative platforms for 3D printing equipment and software came continuous breakthroughs and innovation, as well as more widespread use. This technology has received global attention and has been the focus of many discussions. Considered the spearhead of the Third Industrial Revolution, this technology has also triggered the Maker Movement, which has become a powerful force worldwide. Education is one of the basic functions of museums. Museums provide diverse, sensory learning experiences that inspire and nurture learning, as well as convey knowledge. At the same time, museums have a responsibility to assist in lifelong learning efforts. In this age of the creative economy, the invention of new techniques and technologies is often accompanied by new ideas and applications. Under current government policy of attaching importance to innovative thinking in the cultural and creative industries, museums for their part should actively make use of their abundant and diverse collections to construct learning environments that encourage innovative thinking. The most important communication medium for museums is "objects", which provide inspiration for artists and designers. Conveying new technological knowledge is one of the objectives of science museums. In addition, opportunities for and responsibility of museums lie in the application of new 3D printing technology in the production of new connections and perspectives between the museum and its visitors. Moreover, museums should bring into play their learning features to create learning experiences that inspire innovative thinking. Under this wave of new technology trends, these are the best strategies for presenting value. The aim of this paper is to first discuss museum learning features and 3D printing technology principles and evolution to provide an understanding of relevant characteristics and applications. Then, the American Museum of Natural History, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum and National Museum of Natural Science serve as examples to explore valence. Finally, in the conclusion, suggestions are made regarding the inspiration for and future directions in museum work on three levels, namely new thinking, new trends and new applications, brought about by 3D printing technology.
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