

作者:林慧年 引用關係王俊秀台邦‧撒沙勒
作者(外文):Lin, Hui-nienWang, Chin-shouTaiban, Sasala
主題關鍵詞:方法目的鏈傳統生態知識環境教育環境解說獵人學校Means-endTraditional ecological knowledgeEnvironment educationInterpretationIndigenous hunting schools
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聯合國多項公約皆明言原住民傳統生態知識(Traditional Ecological Knowledge, TEK)與永續發展的高度關聯性,面對TEK在原民社會的流失與瓦解,獵人學校的崛起肩負著TEK傳承的角色,在國際科聯所明列的五大永續發展研究之優先項目,其中一項就是強調「永續發展架構下的行為、文化及價值觀探討」,因此本研究旨在運用方法目的鏈的理論與分析,來瞭解原住民耆老對於獵人學校TEK的價值建構,運用立意取樣以及滾雪球抽樣法,總共訪談32位原住民耆老獵人,結果發現受訪者認為獵人學校所傳授的TEK,反映出五項價值,包含「生存」、「祖靈」、「分享」、「英雄」和「倫理」,進一步探索這些價值與永續實踐的關聯,發現除了過去文獻所強調的靈性價值之外,社會資本(social capital)也是關鍵之一,最後進一步討論本研究結果於環境教育及解說的應用。
According to the United Nations, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is highly relevant to indigenous societies for resource management. Hunting schools in Taiwan play an important role to transmit TEK across generations to combat the forces of cultural erosion. One of the five research priorities of sustainable development suggested by International Council for Science (2005) was to understand the role of behavior, culture and values under the framework of sustainability. Based on this recommendation, a study was designed to explore a range of values associated with TEK which are taught in indigenous hunting schools using a meansend technique. A total of 32 elders were interviewed using purposive and snowball sampling procedures. Results indicated that hunting practices were based on five core values, including "survival," "ancestral beings," "sharing," "heroism" and "ethics." These themes revealed, in addition to spiritual worldviews highlighted by previous studies, that social capital was an important way to promote sustainability using TEK. Applications of this study extend to environmental education and interpretation, especially for discussions on sustainability.
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