

作者:許朝俊潘寶石包怡芬徐茂洲 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Chao-chunPan, Pao-shihPao, Yi-fengHsu, Mao-chou
主題關鍵詞:中介結構方程模式測量恆等性MediationStructural equation modelingMeasurement invariance
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目的:以「計劃行為理論」(Theory of Planned Behavior,簡稱TPB) 理論為基礎,驗證臺東飛行傘運動觀光客的行為意圖模式,並以交叉效度檢定樣本群之模式恆等性。方法:以參與飛行傘運動之運動觀光客為對象,於臺東縣鹿野高臺進行問卷施測,本研究進行300 份樣本之收集,扣除未填答、填答不完全與填答不清無法辨視等無效樣本,有效回收率為96%,有效樣本288 份。分別以SPSS for Windows 12.0 進行描述性統計與Amos 19.0 進行結構方程模式分析。結果:臺東飛行傘運動觀光客之「態度」、「主觀規範」與「知覺行為控制」對「行為意向」,均有正向且顯著的影響,主觀規範透過態度對行為意圖存在中介效果。結論:根據研究結果提出具體建議:如加強推廣與宣傳飛行傘運動,提升活動認知提供政府與民間相關單位未來發展臺東飛行傘之參考。
Purpose: This research is to verify the pattern of behavior intention of the tourists participating in the paragliding in Taitung based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (hereinafter referred to as TPB), and to test the identicalness of the pattern in the sample group according to the cross-validation. Method: The research targets the sports tourists participating in the paragliding, and conducts the questionnaire survey in the Luye High Land of Taitung County. After the invalid samples including those that were not filled in, were filled in incompletely, were not filled in clearly and were unable to identify, etc. were taken out, there were 288 valid samples among the 300 samples collecting in the research, and the valid return rate was 96%. The descriptive statistics and the pattern analysis of structural equations were respectively conducted by SPSS for Windows 12.0 and Amos 19.0. Results: That the attitude, the subjective norm, and the perceived behavior control of the tourists participating in the paragliding in Taitung have positive and remarkable effects on their behavioral intention, and the subjective norm has intermediary impact on the behavior intention by means of attitude. Conclusion: Furthermore, concrete suggestions have been put forward according to the research results, such as enhancing the promotion and popularization of the paragliding, improving the cognition of the activities, etc., in order to offer the reference of the future development of the paragliding in Taitung for the government and the relevant non-governmental organizations.
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