

作者(外文):Chen, Ya-mei
主題關鍵詞:臉書政治參與太陽花學運FacebookPolitical participationSunflower Movement
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「臉書」(Facebook)是臺灣普及率最高的社群媒體,太陽花學運是近年來臺灣民主政治發展重要的學生政治運動。本研究以2014 年太陽花學運為例,探討學生臉書使用與其實際走上街頭參與太陽花學運的關聯。臉書使用以使用動機與使用程度為主要項目,將臉書使用動機分為社交性的與非社交性的使用動機二種,並依臉書暴露程度與注意程度而將臉書使用程度分為高低二種,加以分項檢視。透過深度訪談得知,社交性的臉書使用動機學生,相較於非社交性的臉書使用動機學生,實際走上街頭參與太陽花學運的可能性較高。臉書使用程度較高的學生,相較於臉書使用程度較低的學生,實際走上街頭參與太陽花學運的可能性也較高。進一步比較臉書使用動機與使用程度,則臉書使用程度與學生實際走上街頭參與太陽花學運的關聯性更為明顯。太陽花學運標舉反服貿協議,但是政策未經過細膩的規劃與溝通就實施,更引發學生不滿。經由本次太陽花學運,本研究期待執政者正視學生對臉書等網路新媒體的依賴,及其與學生政治參與的關聯,強化類似於國家發展委員會「公共政策網路參與平台」的功能,讓政府的政策資訊更加公開透明化,在政府政策與計畫的形成、執行及評估等階段,民眾可以透過網路實現對公共政策之參與,進而規劃出較為貼近民心且易於被接受的政策。
Since Facebook is the most popular social media in Taiwan, and Sunflower Movement was an important political movement of students during the democratic development of Taiwan, this study takes Sunflower Movement as an example to find out the relationship between students' Facebook use and their political participation. About students' Facebook use, motivation of use and degree of use are two major items. In addition, this study divides the motivation of Facebook use into social motivation and non-social motivation, and the degree of Facebook use into higher and lower two species, according to the degree of media exposure and media attention. Through the results of in-depth interviews, students, using Facebook via social motivation more than non-social motivation, participated in Sunflower Movement with higher possibility. Besides, students, using Facebook with higher degree more than lower degree, participated in Sunflower Movement also with higher possibility. Furthermore, the degree of students' Facebook use truly played a key role toward the participation of Sunflower Movement. The main demands of Sunflower Movement were to against Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services and it also used to mobilize students' participation. This policy, Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services, implemented without detailed planning and comprehensive communication, aroused students' and the public's dissatisfaction. Via Sunflower Movement, this study expects the government should pay more attention to students' high reliance on Facebook and other social media, and the relationship between students' political participation and social media use. In addition, this study would make a suggestion to the government to strengthen the functions such as the platform for the public's participation in public policy, National Development Council, ensure policy information disclosure, guarantee the public's right to know, reinforce the interaction with the public, and welcome the public's participation in policy planning, implementation, evaluation, etc. through the internet. To sum up, this study hope the government may provide the policy closer to the public's need and easier to be accepted in the coming future.
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