

作者(外文):Lee, Jui-yuan
主題關鍵詞:新港語教會宣教語言通用語語言邊界西拉雅Sinkan languageSideiaSirayaLanguage of missionary schoolsLingua francaBoundary of language
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Sideia 詞源研究,有助理解17~20 世紀南部區域社群歷時性互動及語言擴散現象,成為一個語言媒介,它的前身是新港語(Sinkan language),19世紀末葉被記錄成Siraiya(Siraya),演變為當代耳熟能詳的西拉雅。語言方面最早歷史文獻,是1628 年牧師甘治士提及新港語暨新港社民族誌,藉之考察1646-47 年出現Sideia、1656 年5 月19 日出現Zedeise language、1657年10 月5 日出現Sydeyan tongue 詞彙脈絡,分析荷蘭人使用特殊用語(Sinkan、Sideia、Zedeise、Sydeyan)的歷史情境和對象範疇,解明集體名詞使用與荷蘭人政經勢力擴張及相關政策關聯性。研究結果發現,荷蘭人隨著時間演進,出現三種不同層次的新港語使用情境:地區、區域、語區,巧妙的是,其對新港語的認知與應用,完全平行移接Sideia。經由分析Sideia語料文獻,得出此語詞出自下淡水流域之南路人對今臺南平原一帶原住民的他者稱呼,可能是帶有方位含意的北方或上方,或因早期村社敵對關係而帶有偏見的貶抑描述。此外,在荷蘭人主導下,流通新港語的語言地理分佈也隱約呈現三種狀態:核心、外圍區域和浮動邊界,顯示新港語作為通用語的活躍性格。總結而論,Sideia 背後所代表的,不只是一個名詞解釋,它承繼新港語被擴大應用的荷蘭人政治、宣教史脈絡,以及大員鄰近村社的被統治歷程。易言之,在荷蘭人治理下,個別村社的獨立性逐漸由地域社群取代。
The research of the word Siraya (Sideia) is helpful to understand diachronic interaction about the southern regional groups and spread phenomenon in specific language between 17-20^(th) century. Sideia as a language media, its former was Sinkan language, but in the late 19^(th) century it was recorded as Siraiya, and finally became a popular term Siraya in contemporary. We investigate the vocabulary context of the term Sideia in 1646-47, the term Zedeise language in 1656 and the term Sydeyan tongue in 1657, and analyze their historical situation and objects category to realize the relationship between the collective terms and the expanding power of the Dutch politics and economics. We conclude that three different context of Sinkan language was appeared under the Dutch: local, regional and relative regional. Contrasting the Sinkan language with Sideia, it was found that the way the Dutch employed the Sideia is not go beyond the cognition and application from Sinkan language. The result of analyzing historical sources reveals the word Sideia was from the southern villages so that it could be a southern term to indicate the northern villages around Tayouan. Obviously, the meaning is north or top. To sum up, what the term Sideia represents not only a noun explanation, but the expanding of Sinkan language which was applied largely by the Dutch politics and missionary history, and the process the natives around Tayouan were ruled. In other words, the independence of individual village was replaced gradually by territorial group.
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