

作者:陳彥君 引用關係沈其泰 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Yen-chunShen, Chi-tai
主題關鍵詞:真誠領導主管認同服務品質權力距離傾向Authentic leadershipSupervisor identificationService qualityPower distance orientation
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現今無論是在企業界或是政府單位,服務品質幾乎已是各種公民營組織普遍追求的關鍵績效指 標。真誠領導是一種源自於正向心理能力和道德氣候的領導模式,本研究欲探討真誠領導領導者如 何能夠提升部屬的服務品質,並檢驗主管認同的中介效果,以及部屬權力距離傾向的干擾效果。本 研究收集了200 份警察人員對偶樣本,並依據干擾型中介模式驗證步驟進行假設檢驗。結果發現主 管的真誠領導與服務品質有正向關係,且主管認同會部分中介上述效果。此外,我們發現部屬的權 力距離傾向會干擾真誠領導與主管認同的關係,並干擾真誠領導與服務品質之間的中介效果。最後, 本研究提出研究意涵與未來建議之討論。
1.Gardner, W. L.、Cogliser, C. C.、Davis, K. M.、Dickens, M. P.(2011)。Authentic leadership: A review of the literature and research agenda。The Leadership Quarterly,22(6),1120-1145。  new window
2.賴鳳儀、林鉦棽、錢書華(20100400)。轉化領導對服務品質影響效果之實徵分析:調節式路徑分析的運用。管理學報,27(2),169-184。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Fuller, J. B.、Marler, L. E.、Hester, K.、Frey, L.、Relyea, C.(2006)。Construed external image and organizational identification: A test of the moderating influence of need for self-esteem。Journal of Social Psychology,146(6),701-716。  new window
4.Kenny, D. A.、Judd, C. M.(1986)。Consequences of Violating the Independence Assumption in Analysis of Variance。Psychological Bulletin,99(3),422-431。  new window
5.Begley, T. M.、Lee, C.、Fang, Y.、Li, Jian-feng(2002)。Power distance as a moderator of the relationship between justice and employee outcomes in a sample of Chinese employees。Journal of Managerial Psychology,17(7/8),692-711。  new window
6.Gardner, W. L.、Avolio, B. J.、Luthans, F.、May, D. R.、Walumbwa, F. O.(2005)。"Can you see the real me?" A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development。The Leadership Quarterly,16(3),343-372。  new window
7.Day, David V.(2000)。Leadership development: A review in context。The Leadership Quarterly,11(4),581-613。  new window
8.Kernis, M. H.(2003)。Toward a conceptualization of optimal self-esteem。Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory,14(1),1-26。  new window
9.林家五、王悅縈、胡宛仙(20121200)。真誠領導與仁慈領導對組織公民行為及主管忠誠之差異效果。本土心理學研究,38,205-256。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Lord, R. G.、Brown, D. J.(2001)。Leadership, values, and subordinate self-concepts。Leadership Quarterly,12(2),133-152。  new window
11.Vansteenkiste, M.、Neyrinck, B.、Niemiec, C. P.、Soenens, B.、De Witte, H.、Van den Broeck, A.(2007)。On the relations among work value orientations, psychological need satisfaction and job outcomes: A self-determination theory approach。Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,80(2),251-277。  new window
12.Avolio, B.、Gardner, W.、Walumbwa, F.、May, D.、Luthans, F.(2004)。Unlocking the mask: a look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors。Leadership Quarterly,15(6),801-823。  new window
13.Burgess, T. P.(1994)。Service Breakdown and Service Recovery。The Police Journal,67(1),26-38。  new window
14.Chan, Simon C. H.、Mak, W. M.(2012)。Benevolent leadership and follower performance: The mediating role of leader-member exchange (LMX)。Asia Pacific Journal of Management,29(2),285-301。  new window
15.Walumbwa, Fred O.、Luthans, Fred、Avey, James B.、Oke, Adegoke(2011)。Authentically leading groups: The mediating role of collective psychological capital and trust。Journal of Organizational Behavior,32(1),4-24。  new window
16.Kamdar, D.、Van Dyne, L.(2007)。The joint effects of personality and Workplace social exchange relationships in predicting task performance and citizenship performance。Journal of Applied Psychology,92(5),1286-1298。  new window
17.Shamir, Boas、Eilam, G.(2005)。'What's your story?' A life-stories approach to authentic leadership development。The Leadership Quarterly,16(3),395-417。  new window
18.Dooley, R. S.、Fryxell, G. E.(1999)。Attaining decision quality and commitment from dissent: The moderating effects of loyalty and competence in strategic decision-making teams。Academy of Management Journal,42(4),389-402。  new window
19.Mullen, B.、Copper, C.(1994)。The relation between group cohesiveness and performance: An integration。Psychological Bulletin,115(2),210-227。  new window
20.Avolio, Bruce J.、Gardner, William L.(2005)。Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership。The Leadership Quarterly,16(3),315-338。  new window
21.Carrillat, F. A.、Jaramillo, F.、Mulki, J. P.(2007)。The validity of the SERVQUAL and SERVPERF scales: A meta-analytic view of 17 years of research across five continents。International Journal of Service Industry Management,18(5),472-490。  new window
22.Gerstner, Charlotte R.、Day, David V.(1997)。Meta-analytic review of leader-member exchange theory: Correlates and construct issues。Journal of Applied Psychology,82(6),827-844。  new window
23.Tyler, T. R.、Lind, E. A.、Huo, Y. J.(2000)。Cultural values and authority relations: The psychology of conflict resolution across cultures。Psychology, Public Policy, and Law,6(4),1138-1163。  new window
24.Hofetede, Greet(1993)。Cultural constraints in management theories。Academy of Management Executive,7(1),81-94。  new window
25.Wieseke, J.、Ullrich, J.、Christ, O.、Van Dick, R.(2007)。Organizational identification as a determinant of customer orientation in service organizations。Marketing Letters,18(4),265-278。  new window
26.蔡松純、鄭伯壎、周麗芳、姜定宇、鄭弘岳(20090300)。領導者上下關係認定與部屬利社會行為:權力距離之調節效果。中華心理學刊,51(1),121-138。new window  延伸查詢new window
27.Ashkanasy, N. M.、O'Connor, C.(1997)。Value congruence in leader-member exchange。Journal of Social Psychology,137(5),647-662。  new window
28.Dorfman, P. W.、Howell, J. P.(1988)。Dimensions of National Culture and Effective Leadership Patterns: Hofstede Revisited。Advances in International Comparative Management,3(1),127-150。  new window
29.Edwards, Jeffrey R.、Lambert, Lisa Schurer(2007)。Methods for integrating moderation and mediation: A general analytical framework using moderated path analysis。Psychological Methods,12(1),1-22。  new window
30.朱國光、曾建榮、蔡蕙嬪(20140300)。以組織要素對服務傳遞影響服務品質之探討--以高雄市交通警察局為例。行銷評論,11(1),51-78。new window  延伸查詢new window
31.Clark, R. A.、Hartline, M. D.、Jones, K. C.(2009)。The effects of leadership style on hotel employees' commitment to service quality。Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,50(2),209-231。  new window
32.Golden, T. D.、Veiga, J. F.(2008)。The impact of superior-subordinate relationships on the commitment, job satisfaction, and performance of virtual workers。The Leadership Quarterly,19(1),77-88。  new window
33.Kreiner, G. E.、Hollensbe, E. C.、Sheep, M. L.(2006)。On the edge of identity: Boundary dynamics at the interface of individual and organizational identities。Human Relations,59(10),1315-1341。  new window
34.Wang, H.、Sui, Y.、Luthans, F.、Wang, D.、Wu, Y.(2014)。Impact of authentic leadership on performance: Role of followers' positive psychological capital and relational processes。Journal of Organizational Behavior,35(1),5-21。  new window
35.Wong, C. A.、Spence-Laschinger, H. K.、Cummings, G. G.(2010)。Authentic leadership and nurses' voice behaviour and perceptions of care quality。Journal of Nursing Management,18(8),889-900。  new window
36.Hofstede, Geert(1980)。Motivation, Leadership, and Organization: Do American Theories Apply Abroad?。Organizational Dynamics,9(1),42-63。  new window
37.Muller, Dominique、Judd, Charles M.、Yzerbyt, Vincent Y.(2005)。When moderation is mediated and mediation is moderated。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,89(6),852-863。  new window
38.Ilies, R.、Morgeson, F. P.、Nahrgang, J. D.(2005)。Authentic leadership and eudaemonic well-being: Understanding leader-follower outcomes。The Leadership Quarterly,16(3),373-394。  new window
39.Walumbwa, F. O.、Avolio, B. J.、Gardner, W. L.、Wernsing, T. S.、Peterson, S. J.(2008)。Authentic leadership: Development and validation of a theory-based measure。Journal of Management,34(1),89-126。  new window
40.Carman, James M.(1990)。Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of the SERVQUAL Dimensions。Journal of Retailing,66(1),33-55。  new window
41.Hogg, Michael A.、Terry, Deborah J.(2000)。Social Identity and Self-Categorization Processes in Organizational Contexts。Academy of Management Review,25(1),121-140。  new window
42.Farh, Jiing-Lih、Hackett, Rick D.、Liang, Jian(2007)。Individual-level cultural values as moderators of perceived organizational support-employee outcome relationships in China: Comparing the effects of power distance and traditionality。Academy of Management Journal,50(3),715-729。  new window
43.Rhoades, Linda、Eisenberger, Robert(2002)。Perceived organizational support: a review of the literature。Journal of Applied Psychology,87(4),698-714。  new window
44.Kirkman, Bradley L.、Chen, Gilad、Farh, Jiing-Lih、Lowe, Kevin B.、Chen, Zhen Xiong(2009)。Individual power distance orientation and follower reactions to transformational leaders: A cross-level, cross-cultural examination。Academy of Management Journal,52(4),744-764。  new window
45.Mackenzie, Scott B.、Podsakoff, Philip M.、Rich, Gregory A.(2001)。Transformational and transactional leadership and salesperson performance。Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,29(2),115-134。  new window
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47.Anderson, James C.、Gerbing, David W.(1988)。Structural Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach。Psychological Bulletin,103(3),411-423。  new window
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53.Sparrowe, Raymond T.、Liden, Robert C.(1997)。Process and Structure in Leader-Member Exchange。Academy of Management Review,22(2),522-552。  new window
54.Javidan, Mansour、Dorfman, Peter W.、de Luque, Mary Sully、House, Robert J.(2006)。In the eye of the beholder: Cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE。Academy of Management Perspectives,20(1),67-90。  new window
55.高瑞新(20060900)。領導行為、組織氣氛與服務品質關係之研究--以高雄港務警察局為例。人力資源管理學報,6(3),95-117。new window  延伸查詢new window
56.孫思源、潘豐泉、林重均(20111200)。大學行政服務品質初探:領導行為、服務氣候及組織公民行為的效果。人力資源管理學報,11(4),1-22。new window  延伸查詢new window
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58.彭台光、高月慈、林鉦棽(20060200)。管理研究中的共同方法變異:問題本質、影響、測試和補救。管理學報,23(1),77-98。new window  延伸查詢new window
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68.Ilies, Remus、Nahrgang, Jennifer D.、Morgeson, Frederick P.(2007)。Leader-member exchange and citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis。Journal of Applied Psychology,92(1),269-277。  new window
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71.Luthans, Fred、Church, Allan H.(2002)。Positive Organizational Behavior: Developing and Managing Psychological Strengths。Academy of Management Executive,16(1),57-75。  new window
1.Avolio, B. J.、Luthans, F.、Walumba, F. O.(2004)。Authentic leadership: Theory building for veritable sustained performance。Lincoln, NE:Gallup Leadership Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln。  new window
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