

題名:工作壓力源、自我復原力與敬業貢獻對幸福感之影響 : 以教師為樣本
作者(外文):Hsieh, Ting-haoLiao, Yuan-liangLiaw, Yi-mei
主題關鍵詞:挑戰型工作壓力源阻礙型工作壓力源幸福感自我復原力敬業貢獻Challenge job stressorsHindrance job stressorsWell-beingEgo-resilienceJob engagement
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This study is used with the view of challenge-type and hindrance-type of work stress. It is to explore the relationship between different sources of work stress and well-being perception, and to further investigate on whether the ego-resilience can adjust the challenge-type of work stress and well-being perception, as well as how the hindrance -type of work stress can generate the effect on well-being perception through the contribution of job engagement. The study is used questionnaire survey of elementary school teachers in Taichung Area. Total amount of 600 questionnaires were issued, and 552 effective questionnaires were returned with 93.24% of return rate. Through the hierarchical regression analysis, the interference and Intermediary Inspection were executed. The research results reveal that the sources of work stress have the negative effect on the well-being perception, and the ego-resilience can mitigate the negative effects of challenge job stressors sources and well-being perception. And, the hindrance job stressors will affect the negative effect of well-being perception through the contribution of job engagement.
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1. 國際觀光旅館職場友誼與工作表現關係之探討--以卓越能力商數為中介變項
2. 不同職務職業軍人工作壓力與睡眠品質之研究
3. 以心理韌性為中介角色:社區大學學員恆毅力與巔峰幸福之關係
4. 中高齡職涯未來時間觀、職場成功老化和就業力之關係--探討工作要求與資源的調節式中介作用
5. 國小教師工作壓力與工作滿意度之關係研究:教師自我效能感的中介效果
6. 居服員留任傾向之研究
7. 工作便利?還是工作壓力?教師下班後即時通訊軟體公務使用情形與工作倦怠之關係--以教師工作價值觀為調節變項
8. 國中生所知覺到的教師自主支持、自我效能、任務價值對學習投入之影響
9. 病患不文明行為對情緒調節的影響:壓力心態與顧客導向的調節式中介模式
10. 重度工作投資與工作倦怠:健康促進與心理資本扮演之調節角色
11. 就事論事或將心比心?顧客不當對待與員工身心壓力的情緒歷程:壓力源評估與同理心特質的調節效果
12. 越南臺商外派人員之領導部屬交換對職場偏差行為之影響--以外在工作價值與工作不安全感為調節變項
13. 學校運動教練工作不安全感、組織認同、工作倦怠與工作退縮行為:工作要求-資源模式之觀點
14. 景觀餐廳顧客認知價值對行為意圖與額外願付價格之影響
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