

作者:魏淑惠石振國 引用關係
作者(外文):Wei, Shu-huiShih, Chen-kuo
主題關鍵詞:政策行銷行銷要素組合認養代替購買寵物動物福利流浪犬Policy marketingMarketing factorsAdoption instead of buying petAnimal welfareStray dog
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「認養代替購買寵物」是政府近年為了解決流浪動物問題所採行的主要政策,核心目標 是「為流浪動物找一個新家」,以降低收容所中流浪動物的數量,此政策的實施成效與行銷息息相關,本文主要應用Snavely的政策行銷理論,透過深度訪談及文獻分析等研究方法,瞭解農委會與臺中市政府推動「認養代替購買寵物」政策的實施現況,並進一步分析此政策的行銷策略與管道,以及所面臨的困境與可能解決之道,期能應用研究發現,提供政府未來 研擬相關政策之參考。 本研究的主要發現包括:1.政策行銷成功的主要原因除政策規劃機關、政策執行機關與夥伴團體的合作無間外,長官的支持和內部人員對政策的瞭解也是不可或缺的因素。2.行銷管道中,成本最低、效果最好的是網路行銷,但最能引起民眾共鳴的是辦理現場認養活動;促銷活動除了有實質活動外,名人偶像代言也有聚集人潮效果。3.認養政策在行銷過程遇到 的困境是經費與人力的不足、民眾對於名犬和體型小犬隻的偏愛、民眾認養後二度棄養問題及政策延續的不確定性等。針對前述問題,本研究並提供一些相關政策建議,並衷心期盼未 來在政府積極推廣「認養代替購買寵物」的政策下,能夠提高認養率與建立飼主責任感,讓所有動物都不再流浪。
"Adoption instead of buying pet" is major policy of Government on solving stray animals in recent years. "Finding a new home for stray animals" is a core target to decline amount of stray animals in shelter. The efficiency of the policy implementation is relative to marketing. Therefore, this study is to apply in Snavely's policy marketing model, in-depth interviews and literature analysis to understand implementation status of Council of Agriculture and Taichung City Government. Furthermore, it analyzes marketing strategy, way of this policy, facing difficulties and possible solution. The findings of this study provide the reference of policy for Government in the future. The findings of this study are as the following: 1. The major reasons of successful marketing policy are not only excellent elaboration between planning organization, execution organization and Animal Protection Association, but also supports from chiefs and internal personnel understanding. 2. The lowest cost and the best effective marketing way is E-marketing. But the most popular one is adoption events. Promotion is an actual activity and celebrity endorsement is helpful for attracting crowd. 3. The difficulties of this study are short fund and staff, preference of famous and small dogs for people, second abandonment after adoption and uncertain continue policy. This study subject to the aforesaid problems provides some relevant policy suggestions. Deeply hope it will enhance ratio of adoption and build responsibility of pet owners under Government positive "adoption instead of buying pet" spread, the stray animals will not be there anymore.
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