

作者(外文):Li, Sher-shiueh
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1.李奭學(20110600)。中西合璧的小說新體--清初耶穌會士馬若瑟著〈夢美土記〉初探。漢學研究,29(2)=65,81-116。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.李紀祥(20000600)。趙氏孤兒的「史」與「劇」:文述與演述。漢學研究,18(1)=35,209-236。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Liu, Wu-Chi(1953)。The Original Orphan of China。Comparative Literature,5(3),193-212。  new window
4.Idema, Wilt L.(1988)。The Orphan of Zhao: Self-Sacrifice, Tragic Choice and Revenge and the Confucianization of Mongol Drama at the Ming Court。Cina,21,159-190。  new window
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7.Idema, Wilt L.(2005)。The Many Shapes of Medieval Chinese Plays: How Texts Are Transformed to Meet the Needs of Actors, Spectators, Censors, and Readers。Oral Tradition,20(2),320-334。  new window
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4.Idema, Wilt L.(1996)。Why You Never Have Read a Yuan Drama: The Transformation of Zaju at the Ming Court。Studi in Onore Di Lionello Lanciotti。Napoli:Istituto Universiatorio Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici。  new window
5.李奭學(2017)。翻譯家的自我培訓之道--論馬若瑟與中國文學傳統的關係。翻譯史研究。上海:復旦大學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
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