

作者(外文):Liang, Hsin-chung
主題關鍵詞:性剝削少女復原力中途學校Female teenage prostitutesResilienceMidway school
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The relative studies of female teenage prostitutes after receiving the placements of special education treatment in the past are not for a long-term track after returning to the society and family-of-origin life. Besides, the relative studies of resilience only focus on weakness or face severe changes teenagers, seldom on the marginalized cases. In this study, we interview nine female teenage prostitutes after leaving the midway school treatment. The study takes place in the southern independent midway school, and uses in-depth interview method, collects relevant data and processes data analysis and research. Through the analysis of the collected data, the following were obtained: After leaving midway school placement and treatment, the life of the female teenage prostitutes return to society life were influenced by: 1. The negative growth or traumatic experiences before the placement. 2. The positive and negative experiences during the two-year-placement in the midway school. 3. The life challenges and the coping strategies after the placement. 4. The resilience originates from: (1) against difficulties, face material events or traumas. (2) the female teenage prostitutes' personalities and supportive network. (3) the correlation of individuals and the environment will develop ten different resilience. According to the research finding, four issues were proposed for conclusions : 1. The female teenage prostitutes' life after returning back to society are full of difficulties and challenges, but there still also have a turning point: (1) for most female teenage prostitutes, family plays an important role. (2) the rugged road of pursuing intimacy and love. (3) the unpleasant employment and the ways to live. (4) the lasting effect by peers and friends. (5) the important others and religions. 2. The coexistence of positive and negative impacts of the midway school will bring contradictory phenomenon. 3. The resilience is different from person to person, but it still can generalize the key points of resilience. 4. By developing nourishing environment, we can nurture and strengthen resilience to confront the difficulties in the future. Based on the above finding, we proposed suggestions of policy and practical aspects in the end of the article, and we expect to promote the female teenage prostitutes' ability to cope with the difficult situation after leaving midway schools.
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