

主題關鍵詞:行動者網絡理論地理媒介旅行移動媒介化Actor-network theoryGeomediaMobileMedializationTravel
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1.Cresswell, Tim(2001)。The Production of Mobilities。New Formations,43,11-25。  new window
2.Latour, Bruno(1996)。On Actor-Network Theory: A Few Clarifications。Soziale Welt-Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaftliche forschung und praxis,47(4),369-381。  new window
3.盧能彬(20120700)。臺灣部落格空間之網絡變遷分析。資訊社會研究,23,36-65。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Schulz, Winfried(2004)。Reconstructing mediatization as an analytical concept。European Journal of Communication,19(1),87-101。  new window
5.Appadurai, Arjun(1986)。Theory in anthropology: Center and periphery。Comparative Studies in Society and History,28(2),356-361。  new window
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7.廖酉鎮、陳均伊(20130500)。讓地圖活過來--Google Earth運用於地球科學教學設計之應用。科學教育月刊,358,36-54。  延伸查詢new window
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9.王淑美(20170100)。從傳播的偏向到STS:再探Harold Adam Innis傳播理論的關鍵元素。傳播研究與實踐,7(1),291-303。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Bucher, Taina(2012)。Want to be on the top? Algorithmic power and the threat of invisibility on Facebook。New Media & Society,14(7),1164-1180。  new window
11.Couldry, Nick、Hepp, Andreas(2013)。Conceptualizing mediatization: Contexts, traditions, arguments。Communication Theory,23(3),191-202。  new window
12.徐進鈺(19990900)。流動的鑲嵌:新竹科學工業園區的勞動力市場與高科技發展。臺灣社會研究季刊,35,75-118。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.林淇瀁(20041200)。超文本,跨媒介與全球化:網路科技衝擊下的臺灣文學傳播。中外文學,33(7)=391,103-128。new window  延伸查詢new window
14.Vertovec, S.(2004)。Cheap calls: The social glue of migrant transnationalism。Global Networks,4(2),219-224。  new window
15.蘇碩斌(20141000)。旅行文學之誕生:試論臺灣現代觀光社會的觀看與表達。臺灣文學研究學報,19,255-286。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.Echtner, C. M.、Jamal, T. B.(1997)。The disciplinary dilemma of tourism studies。Annals of Tourism Research,24(4),868-883。  new window
17.黃冠華(20060400)。觀看不見:凝視的概念。新聞學研究,87,131-167。new window  延伸查詢new window
18.Long, Nicholas J.、Moore, Henrietta L.(2012)。Sociality Revisited: Setting a New Agenda。Cambridge Anthropology,30(1),40-47。  new window
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20.Bizirgianni, Ioanna、Dionysopoulou, Panagiota(20130227)。The Influence of Tourist Trends of Youth Tourism through Social Media (SM) & Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)。Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,73,652-660。  new window
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22.趙清成、陳永賓、陳景義(20150300)。臺灣地區航空公司對旅行社B2B網站功能與使用情形之研究。航運季刊,24(1),1-26。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.盧鴻毅(20190100)。跟我一起去旅行:關於熟齡旅人的臉書書寫。傳播與社會學刊,47,199-232。new window  延伸查詢new window
24.LO, K. H.(2012)。論班雅明式史觀和空間觀:並以領匯霸權地圖為例。文化研究@嶺南,32(1),1-12。  延伸查詢new window
25.Baggio, Rodolfo、Cooper, Chris(2010)。Knowledge transfer in a tourism destination: the effects of a network structure。The Service Industries Journal,30(10),1757-1771。  new window
26.Bendle, L. J.、Patterson, I.(2008)。Network Density, Centrality, and Communication in a Serious Leisure Social World。Annals of Leisure Research,11(1/2),1-19。  new window
27.Eagar, T.、Dann, S.(2016)。Classifying the narrated selfie: genre typing human-branding activity。European Journal of Marketing,50,1835-1857。  new window
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29.Sorokowski, Piotr、Sorokowska, Agnieszka、Frackowiak, Tomasz、Karwowski, Maciej、Rusicka, Irmina、Oleszkiewicz, Anna(2016)。Sex differences in online selfie posting behaviors predict histrionic personality scores among men but not women。Computers in Human Behavior,59,368-373。  new window
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31.Zimmermann, T.(2017)。Between nomadism and sedentariness: figuration of space in literary and visual culture of migrant workers from Yugoslavia。Serbian Studies Research,8(1),191-206。  new window
32.Jafari, J.、Ritchie, J. B.(1981)。Toward a framework for tourism education: Problems and prospects。Annals of Tourism Research,8(1),13-34。  new window
33.Murdoch, J.(1997)。Towards a geography of heterogeneous associations。Progress in Human Geography,21(3),321-337。  new window
1.Davidson, A.、Peters, J.、Brakewood, C.(2017)。Interactive Travel Modes: Uber, Transit, and Mobility in New York City。  new window
2.Jansson, A.(2005)。For a geography of communication. Norrköping: Sweden。The First National Conference in Cultural Studies,(會議日期: 13-15 June 2005)。Linköping University Electronic Press。491-506。  new window
3.Reino, Sofia、Hay, Brian(2016)。The Use of YouTube as a Tourism Marketing Tool。The 42nd Annual Travel & Tourism Research Association Conference。  new window
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1.Hepp, A.(2013)。Cultures of mediatization。Polity Press。  new window
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7.Cresswell, Timothy(2006)。On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World。Routledge。  new window
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8.Rojek, C.、Urry, J.(2002)。Transformations of travel and theory。Touring Cultures。Routledge。  new window
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