

作者:王振寰 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, Jenn-hwan
主題關鍵詞:政商關係政治轉型國家機器資本The stateCapitalPolitical transition
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     本文在討論臺灣政商關係的改變與政治轉型之間的關係。本文的主要問題是:是 甚麼原因造成臺灣政商關係的轉型,而這個轉型又意味著甚麼樣的社會政治轉變?本文從國 家機器,資產階級,以及下層人民的動員三個因素來解釋臺灣政治的自由化與新政商關係的 出現。本文指出,臺灣的政治轉型,與大?的動員和對威權體制的抗拒有密切的關係,由於 大?的動員使得國家機器與資產階級之間產生更密切的聯盟關係。最後,本文指出雖然資產 階級對國家機器的影響力逐漸的增加,但是國家機器並沒有失去主導的力量,資本家與國家 機器之間的關係是從“父子關係”轉變到“大小伙伴”的聯盟關係。
     The main question of this paper is: what factors have caused the transformation of state-capital relationship in Taiwan's recent political transition? This paper uses three factors in accounting for this transformation: the state, the capitalist, and the popular movement. The main argument is: while the popular movement has caused Taiwan's recent political transition, it has also been responsible for the rise of a neo-authoritarian regime that transforms the state-capital relationship from a patrimonial to a senior-junior type of alliance. However, though this transformation has allowed the capitalists to have more influence on the state, the KMT state still has kept its autonomy in major decision-making processes.
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