

作者:李貞德 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Jen-der
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     自古挽乳大故,有如就死,對產婦而言,是存亡關頭,對產家而言,則 為成敗之機。在宋代婦產科形成專科之前,替者產家對生產有何因應之道,事關 重大,而研究者寡。本文先以醫書資料為主,重建漢唐之間婦女在入月滑胎、設 帳安應、臨產坐草、雞產救治,以及產後處理等各方面的情形。然後配合正史、 筆記等其他贊料,嘗試探討生產相關行為的社會文化意涵。 漢唐之間,婦女早婚、早育,醫家勸戒而俗風難改。面對生產大事,人們在入月、 分挽和產後都有因應之道。滑胎湯藥,漢魏六朝時對於服用的月份或尚未有清楚 的意見,唐宋以後則標定各種湯禁的服用時間。由於產孕不吉的觀念,產婦生產 的地點選擇不易。寄產安廬,便是以隔離為前題,為產婦尋找一適合分烷的場所。 唐代以前,分挽或在戶內,或在戶外,大多有帳以避風邪。生產依產園行事,包 括設帳、安麻、向坐、埋胞。階唐之際,產圖經歷一重整的過裡,由分門別類逐 漸統合為一圈。貴賤之別,在產前準備與產後照顧中,表現較為明顯。至於分挽 當下,不論社會階層,多眾治齊下,但求順產速效。 臨產坐草,或攀繩倚衡,或由人抱棲,大多以簿坐為主要分輓姿勢。漢唐之間, 醫家對於雞產的解籽,已超越觸忌犯神的範圍,對於橫生逆產亦育刺縮回順的處 理。而難產救治的過程,顯示人們相信應及早干預、眾治齊下、和物物相感等諸 觀念。丈夫被視為責無旁貸,而鄰里的參與亦不無可能。坐草之誇,助產者、親 友可能聚集發表意見,男性醫者認為將影賽產婦的自然生產時開,故而加以指 責。然因女性助產者向來沒有自己的發寺,男往答者又多在雞產時才被召至,兩 者之間的恩怨,不免成為醫療史與鋅女史上的的公案, 胎兒胞衣皆出之後,產婦的辛苦雖暫告一段落,卻因防避風邪和產乳不吉的觀 念,仍須與日常生活暫時隔離。婦女雖由於血露污穢和社會角色轉換等因素,被 視為不潔,但在醫書療傷補虛的觀念下,富貴人家的產婦,或因而得以休養月餘。 在此期間,親友持滋補之物相賀,醫者請「補養五內,非慶其兒也」,又勸婦女 晚嫁少產,以免「血枯殺人」,也算是對女性本身,而非其作為生育工具的一種 關懷吧!
     Childbirth may have been the most important experience of women in traditionalsociety. The behaviors and their interpretations before, during and after the delivery notonly indicated medical development of a certain period, but also revealed women's place inthe patrilineal society. From late antiquity to early medieval China, it was gradually agreedin medical texts that the process of childbirth started from the last month of pregnancy andlasted at least til) one month after the delivery. In the last month of pregnancy, the expecting mother was advised to take herbalmedicine to enhance a quick and safe delivery, while her family should prepare a place forthe childbirth according to the "delivery charts". The exact month for pregnant women totake such medicine varied in ancient medical texts, but was Fixed to the last month ofpregnancy by the eighth century. There may have been separate charts that demonstratedproper locations and directions of the delivery tents, the squatting positions, and theplacenta-burying- By the eighth century, however, medical texts indicated an integration of all these items in one chart that included twelve sub-charts for each month of the year. Women usually took vertical positions, most often squatting, during delivery; eitherclinging to fastened ropes or being supported under the arms by midwives. Methods tosolve complications such as breech included ritual techniques and manual manipulations.Such methods often implied the father's importance in delivery and the resonant relationsbetween him, his wife and her baby. Male-authored medical texts after the six centurysometimes accused female attendants of hasty and unnecessary interventions. Nevertheless,deliveries were usually handled successfully by women, including ihe pregnant mother, herfemale relatives and the midwives. During the month right after the delivery, the new mother would be restrained from social contact, both due to the need of care and the concept of pollution.Although she was considered polluting, either for her shedding blood in the deliveryor for her changed role from wife to mother, the seclusion did give her a chance torest. Friends and relatives then would bring over precious and nutritious food to"nourish her body", said the medical texts, "not just to celebrate the child".
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