

作者:劉增貴 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Tseng-kuei
主題關鍵詞:漢代婦女名字姓名兩性Han dynastyWomenPersonal namesName and surnameGender@
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     名字不但表現了個人的特質,家族的期望,也是部份社會現象的投影。 婦女名字的研究,對當時社會上兩性角色認定、婦女地位升沈的瞭解都有助益。 可惜的是,此一研究領域一向被忽視,本文即為補足此一缺憾所作的一點嘗試。 文中搜集了秦漢迄三國可考的五百七十多個婦女名字,列為〈總表〉,從婦名與 家族、性別、社會的關係三個層面加以討論。周漢之間,姓氏普及化,婦女「繫姓」 之風,漸被「稱名」、「冠姓稱氏」(如陳氏)及「冠夫姓」(如鄧朱)所取代,而伯 仲等排行方式也已不同,反映了社會的變動,這些都被後世所沿襲。漢代婦名的另 一特徵,是男女通用名,在婦名案例中占三分之二以上。此一現象顯示社會對兩性 道德、行為的要求,相去尚不甚遠。婦名中卑婉的一面固然存在,但堅捷剽猛,亦 受肯定。然而一些女性化的名字也在發展之中,大體強調婦女的容貌、體態與性情。 名字中反映的福壽吉利、富貴顯榮的追求,雖與男性並無二致,卻無「定國」、「安 世」之類男名的政治抱負,而名中重男輕女、婦功婦德的強調,都顯示兩性角色的差異。
      A name does not only express a person's individual characteristics,the expectations of his or her family, but also in part reflects certain socialrealities. Research on women's names thus may help to understand theexpected roles of both sexes as welt as the changing status of women in agiven society. The author collects names of more than 570 women fromthe Ch'in to the Three Kingdoms, and discusses them from threeapproaches: that of their relation to family, gender, and society. Through the Chou and Han dynasties, surnames became morecommon, and the earlier practice of hsi-hsing (a married woman'spersonal name followed by her natal family's surname) was graduallyreplaced by practices like ch 'eng-ming (calling by personal name),kuan-hsing-ch 'eng-shih " &. J (calling by shih following hersurname, such as "nee X"). as well as kuan-fu-hsing "&. (calling byher husband's surname followed by her own). Meanwhile, the rules ofseniority in women's names also changed. All these practices reflectedcontemporary social development and were preserved through laterperiods. Two-thirds of the women's names collected in this paper appear to have also been used by men. This fact shows that social norms ofmorality and behavior did not yet differ very strongly between men andwomen. While the inferiority of her status was still evident, meanings ofstrength and vigor were also affirmed as suitable for women. However,feminine characteristics were also on the rise, mainly stressing femalelooks, appearance and personality. Names that express a wish for wealth,longevity, and prosperity are shared by both sexes, but those referring tocertain political ambitions, such as ting-guo 定國 (stabilizing thecountry) or an-shih 安世 (pacifying the times) were exclusively given tomen. Furthermore, factors such as the greater importance of men than ofwomen, as well as a stress on certain female merits and virtues, areindicators of different gender roles.
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