

作者:林富士 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Fu-shih
主題關鍵詞:六朝女性人鬼厲鬼信仰祭祀Six dynastiesShamanCultFemale ghostChih-kuai
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     從文獻的記載來看,六朝以前,除了「先妣」受祀於自己的子孫之外, 女性人鬼絕少成為祭拜的對象。但在六朝時期,僅從「志怪」的材料中,至少便 可發現四名女性人鬼受到奉祀,她們也就是本文所述論的丁姑、梅姑、紫姑和蔣 姑。當時奉祀這四位女性人鬼的地區,主要是在江南,而記錄其故事和受祀情形 的作者,也都是在江南地區出生、成長和任官,並且都有在首都建康任職的經驗。 其信徒雖然包括若干官吏,但基本上仍以庶民為主,至少,她們不曾成為官方「祀 典」的崇祀對象。這四位女鬼,在鬼神世界都算是一種「厲鬼」,死後也都曾顯現 一些靈驗的事蹟,也因此引起世人的注意和奉祀。此外,她們都有祠廟或神像,以 及擔任「靈媒」的巫者。而她們所以能獲得民間奉祀,或許和當時江南地區所出現 的巫覡信仰的新潮流(也就是「厲鬼信仰」)有關。除此之外,這四位女鬼的故事都 透露出強烈而獨特的「女性」訴求,她們能成為受祀的對象並留下記錄,似乎也說 明了婦女在當時社會所扮演的角色與地位,以及六朝士大夫對於婦女的評價標準已 和漢代有了一些差異。
     Extant sources indicate that, with the exception of the worship offemale ancestors by their descendants, before the third century cults tofemale ghosts were rare. But during the Six Dynasties period (i.e. 3rd-6thcentury) we can find at least four cases of cults to female ghosts (i.e.Ting-ku, Mei-ku , Tzu-ku and Chiang-ku ) in thechih-kvai sources. Most of the devotees of these four female ghostslived in the Chiang-nan area. Similarly, all the authors who recordedtales about these cults were born, grew up and took official posts in thesame area, especially the capital city at Chien-k'ang (modern Nankingll. The supporters of these cults seem to have belonged to various socialstrata, and include a number of officials, but most of them seem to havebeen common people. These four female ghosts were not listed in the ssu-fien )TESS-(the national sacrificial canon), and were regarded as "maliciousghosts" (li-kuei Wi) in medieval China. After death they appeared andmanifested magical powers, as a result of which, they received attentionand sacrifice. Shrines and images were created for them, and shamans (wuZE) acted as media between these ghosts and their followers. These cultswere probably related to a new trend of the shamanic cult (i.e. the cult of malicious ghosts) in the Chiang-nan area during the Six Dynasties period.Tales about these four female ghosts raise interesting questions concerninggender, for the clear and strong demands the ghosts make are often directedat males. The rise of these cults suggests a change in the social role ofwomen during the Six Dynasties period. Stories about female ghosts alsosuggest that the criteria that male scholars used to evaluate women in theSix Dynasties were different from those ofHan scholars.
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