

作者:傅仰止 引用關係
作者(外文):Fu, Yang-chih
主題關鍵詞:都市生活壓力公領域私領域UrbanDaily hasslePublic realmPrivate realm
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     都市生活壓力的來源可以分為公私兩大領域。一般研究重點偏向私 領域壓力來源,忽略了公領域來源。本文延續近年文獻對都市生活公私領域的 反省,以「都市意象、居住環境與居住選擇」計劃資料為依據(樣本數4,379), 探討台灣城鄉居民的生活壓力以何種面貌呈現在公私領域上,並著重分析兩項 領域之間的互動效應。不論從公領域來源(包括上下班太趕、住家環境複雜、 跟同事、鄰居、陌生人相處等)還是私領域來源(包括睡眠狀況、住屋內部問 題、跟家人或知心朋友的關係等)來看,都市人都明顯地感受到較大生活壓力。 進一步將公私領域來源交叉分析後,發現都市生活對私領域所產生的壓力幾乎 都是虛假效應。都市人在私領域的生活壓力大,並不是都市環境本身直接引起, 而是透過都市公領域中的壓力,滲透到私領域,所間接引起。反之,都市人在 公領域中的壓力則無法從私領域壓力來解釋。公領域壓力滲透到日常生活的私 領域裡,通常不只透過單一途徑,而是結合、累積了種種來源,一併增強私領 域的都市生活壓力。如此從公私領域的互動效應去深入探究,更清楚地揭示出 都市生活壓力的運作內涵,也進一步確定公領域才是都市生活特質的癥結。
     Urban daily hassles can be divided into public and private realms in terms of the sources that generate such hassles.Most existing studies have exclusively focused on the private realms, though the public realms provide more information about distinctive urban life. Drawing from a Taiwanese data set (N=4,379), this study examines how the two realms are manifested in the rural-urban context and interact into each other. The analyses show that urbanites feel much stronger pressures from daily hassles in both public realms (i.e., commuting, the physical environment, competition with colleagues, and encounters with neighbors and strangers) and private realms (i.e., the quality of sleep, housing conditions,relationships with family members and intimate friends). However, after taking public daily hassles into account, the urban effects of private hassles prove to be spurious. Public daily hassles account for much of the urbanite's pressures in their private life, while the reverse is not true. Moreover, no single source of public daily hassles is sufficient for such a penetration. The penetration takes effect only when all sources of public hassles accumulate and combine. By focusing on the interplay between the public and private realms, this study reconfirms that the distinctive features of urbanism lie in the public realms.
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