

作者:沈松僑 引用關係
作者(外文):Shen, Sung-chiao
主題關鍵詞:黃帝晚清國族建構黃帝紀年孔子紀年種族國族主義政治國族主義Huang-tiYellow emperorLate qingConstruction of nationhoodRacial nationalismEthnonationalismPolitical civic nationalism
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(92) 博士論文(19) 專書(35) 專書論文(17)
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     This article traces how the moden Chinese "nation" was constructed as an "imagined community" around Huang-ti (the Yellow Emperor) in late Qing. Huang-ti was a legendary figure in ancient China and the imperial courts monopolized the worship of him. Many late Qing intellectuals appropriated this symbolic figure and, through a set of discursive strategies of "framing, voice and narrative structure," transformed him into a privileged symbol for modern Chinese national identity. What Huang-ti could offer was, however, no more than a "public face" for the imagined new national community, or in other words, a formal structure without substantial contents. No consensus appeared on whom the Chinese nation should include and where the Chinese nation should draw its boundaries. The anti-Manchu revolutionaries emphasized the primordial attachment of blood and considered modern China an exclusive community of Huang-ti's descent. The constitutional reformers sought to stretch the boundaries to include the ethnic groups other than the Han. Some minority intellectuals, particularly the Manchu ones, reconstructed the historic memory of their ethnic origin around Huang-ti. The quarrels among intellectuals of different political persuasion testify how Huang-ti as the most powerful cultural symbol became a site for contests and negotiations in the late Qing process of national construction.
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