

作者:呂妙芬 引用關係
作者(外文):Lu, Miaw-fen
主題關鍵詞:王陽明陽明學者講會友倫Wang Yang-mingYang-ming scholarsChiang-huiFriendship
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     本文主要探討陽明學者的講會和交友情形,及其對朋友立倫的議論,希望藉此間 明社會組織活動與思想間雙向而緊密的關係。許多陽明學者將講會視為其信仰與生命定位的 精神倚靠,也是患難相恤、體現萬物一體之仁的理想社群,然而師友聯屬卻也不免涉足政治 運作。又因著友天下士人的理想,許多學者不遠千里跋涉、周游講學,甚至犧牲家庭生活。 至於陽明學者的友論: 第一,強調朋友之於修德的必要性,此有平衡陽明學易流於過度道德 主觀的傾向。第二,把朋友之倫的重要性指向「萬物一體之仁」的終極理想,以講學為經世 濟用。第三,出現高舉友倫為社群生活中最重要的人倫之言論,如此,便改寫了傳統五倫的 位序,為明代友論開出一新的意涵。
     This study endeavors to investigate the chiang-hai 講會 (discussion meetings) oftheYang-ming scholars, as well as their ideas about friendship. Through this study, I hope to reveal a close relationship between the activities of social institutions and certain philosophical ideas. Many Yang-ming scholars envisioned the chiang-hui as an ideal setting for moral cultivation with like-minded friends, as well as a source of psychological wellbeing. In addition to providing mutual spiritual support, like-minded friends also helped each other out with material needs. For the sake of realizing their moral ideals, some scholars even traveled thousands of miles to pursue true like-minded friendship, even sacrificing traditional family life. In regard to the Yang-ming scholars' ideas about friendship, three points are discussed here. First, friendship was defined as a prerequisite of moral cultivation, a principle that helped Yang-ming philosophy avoid the pitfalls of excessive subjectivity. Second, friendship was associated with the Confucian ideal of humanity. This idea assisted in legitimizing the existence of the chiang-hui and their entanglement in local politics. Finally, some Yang-ming scholars promoted friendship as the most important type of relationship, thereby changing the traditional order of the five human relationships.
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