

作者:張家銘 引用關係徐偉傑
作者(外文):Chang, Chia-mingHsu, Steven Wei-chieh
主題關鍵詞:全球化在地化在地條件互賴發展社會學GlobalizationLocalizationLocal conditionsInterdepedenceSociology of development
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     假如後現代是八○年代的流行觀念,那麼全球化則是九○年代的新思潮。 本文 從發展社會學的脈絡考察全球化概念的發展,發現在全球漸進互賴的脈絡下,一個地區或國 家的發展得從全球角度考察,民族國家的傳統分析單元必須被跨越,包括政府角色在內等因 素都應視為在地條件,這些條件是否完備及相容於全球化邏輯,相當程度決定該地區或國家 發展的契機與幅度。這樣的觀點迥異於現代化、依賴與世界體係理論,儼然成為一個新的探 索取向,在發展社會學當中深具意義。然而全球化概念和傳統發展理論之間的關係並非斷裂 ,而是承接與超越,它指出分析上的可能性,包括全球化與在地化的辯證交融,相當程度為 社會學域「鉅觀」與「微觀」連結的問題開啟另一扇窗; 而全球化概念本身同時關照政治、 經濟、文化等多面向,也促引跨科際的思考。 雖然金球化觀點提供異於傳統的思維,但由 於這般概念仍在發展中,缺乏一套糸統性的分析架攆,加上「世界秩序」的標準仍涉及權力 分配此一發展社會學長期關懷的不平等問題,所以全球化概念雖能脫離過往的依賴觀走向互 賴觀,但仍存在許多諸如國家角色與意識型態等等的基本問題,值得繼續深究。至於這些概 念在台灣社會學域的應用僅在初步引介階段,將來勢必仍有許多的發展空間。
     The main purpose of this paper is to review the concept ofglobalization from the perspective of sociology of development. At the present time, adopting global perspective is necessary in the field of development, because we find all factors including the role of state should be regarded as local conditions. If these conditions can be qualified and compatible to the logic ofglobalization then they can partly decide the opportunity and the range of development of one region or country. Therefore the traditional analytical unit "nation-state" should be rectified. Although global perspective is a new approach, it does transcend and succeed to the traditional development theories. It points out some analytical possibilities: the dialectical interaction between globalization and localization open another window for macro- micro linkage puzzle, and raising interdisciplinary thinking since global perspective itself comprehends political, economic, and cultural dimensions simultaneously. Global perspective offers a new thought different from modernization, dependency, and world-system schools of development, but it is still under development. In spite of some problems, just like lacking of systematic research framework to do global study, as well as dealing with the issue of inequality concerned by sociology of development, the concept ofglobalization deserves advanced elaboration and investigation.
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