

作者:蔣竹山 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiang, Chu-shan
主題關鍵詞:女性身體戰爭陰門陣術數巫術火砲婦女史身體史WomenBodyWarfareYin-men-chenCannonMagicWomen historyBody history
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     就筆者所見,目前有關陰門陣的研究已有James Parsons、澤田瑞穗、相田洋、 李建民、及Paul A. Cohen等人為文探討,其中以李建民較為深入。本文即以這 些研究為基礎,進一步探討女體與戰爭的關係。主要探討以下幾個問題:(一)以 女性裸體為主的陰門陣的內容及特色為何?(二)女性的身體為何具有厭砲的能 力?(三)何種身分的女體其有厭砲的能力?總的來說,陰門陣提供 了我們探討 明清的女體與戰爭關係一個相當好的例子。我們認為,日本學者澤田瑞穗與相田 洋的「以陰剋陽說」似乎並不足以完全解釋陰門陣現象。當我們把視野擴大至女 體與厭勝關係時,義和團團民的心態反映了明清婦女裸身所具有的污穢象徵意義, 而這套觀念自明末以來被運用在戰事上。義和團運動時,裸婦被視為是保護洋砲, 破除法術的主角,這和明末清初以陰門陣抗砲所隱含的觀念相類似,都認為女體 ──尤其是裸婦具有厭勝力量。義和團的這種視女體污穢的觀念正可解釋為何在 明末以來的戰爭中,會出現用裸婦來厭砲的陰門陣現象。
     There are many groups of rebels who had used naked women to fend off firepower of government troops since the late Ming. This magic method--Yin-men- chen--was practiced up to the Taiping rebels and Boxers of the late Ch'ing. For example, The nurse, who took care of the famous writer-Lu Xun, when he was a little boy, told him the following story about her own experience with the Taiping rebels: "When government troops of Ch'ing came to attack the city, the Long Hairs (the Taipings) would make us take off our trousers and stand on the city wall, presuming that the cannon could not be fired; if fired, it would burst!" The story is very interesting. There are many similar cases in late Imperial China. This thesis will re-explore the relations between women's body and warfare through Yin-men-chen. Previously, some scholars had discussed the topic, such as James Parson, Sawada Mizuho, Soda Hiroshi, Li Jianmin, and Paul A. Cohen. Based on their researches, this article will re-explore the topic in two aspects: women's body and cannon, and women's body and magic power. Topics examined in this paper include: (l)What are the features of Yin-men-chen? (2)Why can women's naked body fend off firepower? (3)What kind of Women has the potentiality--power of resisting firepower? We suggest that naked women, above all, menstruating women, was a symbol of pollution, which would negate the power of cannon as well as black magic.
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