

作者:楊玉成 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, Yu-cheng
主題關鍵詞:市民文化世說新語作者後設批評接受美學評點劉辰翁讀者斷片Civic cultureShi-shuo xin-yuA new account of the tales of the worldAuthorMetacriticismAesthetics of receptionCommentary punctuationLiou chen-wengReaderFragmentation
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     Liou Chen-weng劉辰翁, a reading specialist, is one of the most respectable scholars working on commentary punctuation評點大家 for Chinese classics. This paper analyzes the historical significance of this category of commentators from the perspective of civic culture 市民文化 which was yet to flourish in Southern Song dynasty. The paper is divided into five sections. The first section points out that Liou's commentary punctuation bears the earmark of metacriticism (commentary in the form of notes), which, developing into a type of independent commentary punctuation literature, results in various reading strategy and yields canonical meanings典範性的意義. In the second section I try to deconstruct how the historical agent Liou, as a reader reading classical authors, under the sway of contemporary culture and society, proposes different views on traditional authorship, and then how, with the invention of a reading technique, the psychology of his endorsement and anxiety evolves. The third section, dealing with theissue of readership, describes the phenomenon of commentary punctuation and its cultural significance, particularly the power of the concept "sentence extracts"摘句 which has since then spurred tremendous creativity in many readers to follow, which proves that this new concept has been a landmark in the history of the commentary on classical literature. In the following section I mete out a linguistic perspective by pointing out the implications of such critical terms as "fragmentation"段片, "non-signifying"無指涉, "unimportant"無緊要, etc. There is an aesthetics of "small" and "short," "light" and "thin"輕薄短小 in Liou's strategy, and I argue that it bears witness to the complicated civil taste in Southern Song dynasty's civic culture, particularly where when Uou said to be "not worthy to be read" 不可讀. The final section, circling around Shi-shuo xin-yu [The New Account of the Tales of the World]世說新語, deals with how the rise of the novel influences the reading mode. I give a short account of the content and meaning of Liou's commentary punctuation with Shi-shuo xin-yu, a novel considered to be one of the earliest in Chinese literary history.
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3.(宋)劉辰翁。興觀集。  延伸查詢new window
4.世說新語。  延伸查詢new window
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