

作者:黃躍雯 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Yueh-wen
主題關鍵詞:國家公園法意識形態作用者保育發展主義National Parks LawIdeologyAgentsConservationDevelopmentism
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二次世界大戰之後,台灣被納編為世界體系的邊陲位置,對美國等核心國家經濟依賴。美國對台灣經援的同時,也介入不少公共事務,包括國家公園的建制。國家的觀光部門鑑於日本殖民政府已留有國家公園規劃及法案的芻形,並希望藉由發展觀光以增加外匯收入,最為積極倡議籌設國家公園及立法。這內外兩股作用力就這樣共同促成國家公園法的草擬。 主政的行政 (內政 ) 部門對國家公園法草案的研擬,主要移植自美國高標準的保育要求,兼融日本的計畫分區精神,在草案完成後送請立法院審議。立法部門則在威權體制下, 作風保守且較著眼於大陸觀點及觀光利益, 審議過程未有大波折,1972 年順利完成三讀。國家公園法高標準的保育主義,雖煞成為 1980 年代抵擋開發主義入侵的最佳利器, 但又成為 1990 年代設置及經管國家公園頗大的阻礙,在後解嚴園區地方社會社會力興起及原住民族要求經濟發展的同時,國家公園當局已面臨極大的壓力,而開始著手修改國家公園法。本文主要即分析這些作用者,在國家公園法建制過程所隱含的意識形態,及解釋國家公園法因為時空的落差,導致當今執行的困難,面對發展主義入侵,也只能逐步退讓或甚難再設 置國家公園的原因。
Taiwan was placed in a peripheral position globally after World War Ⅱ with an economy that depended on core countries, such as the United States. National Park planning in Taiwan was one of the public activities that was influenced by interventions from US during the period of US aid to Taiwan. Drafts of national park planning and actions had been planned by the Japanese colonial govenment and have been accepted as a fundamental model for the construction of Taiwan's national parks. Based on drafts from the colonial period and on the expectation of increasing Foreign Currency Reserve through thourism, a proposal of National Park Law was aggressively promoted by the authorities. External and domestic forces concurred and resulted in the Drafts of the National Parks Law. The Drafts are basically transplanted from the United States and utilised a high-standard for conservation requirements and also intgrated the zoning concept of Japan's national parks. In 1972, the National Parks Law was ratified by the Legistative Yuan. However, the authorities were rather conservative and authoritarian and their concept of national parks was still tourism and Mainland China-oriented. The high standard of conservation of National Parks Law succeeded in preventing developmental intrusion in the 1980s, nevertheless, it turned out to be an obstacle to national park management and institutionalization. The emergence of power in local society in the vicinity of the parks, and the claims for economic development by indigenous people pressured the authorities to review and revise the National Parks Law after the annulment of martiallaw. The two major purposes of this paper are to analyze the ideology of those agents who participated in the institutionalization of national parks and to explore the causes of the difficipated in the implementation due to the time gap, together with the reasons for withdrawal when faced with development pressures.
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